1. 2022-01-01 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for healthy diets in Togo. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every...
  2. 1998-01-01 *Disponible solo en español. Esta colección de 6 libros incluye información sobre: Plantaciones de arboles Bloques Nutricionales Manejo Integrado de Plagas Biodigestor Abonos Organicos Manejo seguro de plauicidas
  3. AFSA’s collection of case studies shows how agroecology benefits Africa in terms of food security, nutrition, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, cultural sensitivity, democracy, and value for money. Agroecology works in harmony with nature. It...
  4. 良好的营养是我们抵御疾病的第一道防线,是我们生命和保持活跃的能量来源。不合理饮食造成的营养问题可能多种多样,而当其影响一代年轻人时,则会使他们的学习能力降低,从而影响他们的未来,造成贫困和营养不良的世代循环,对个人和国家产生严重后果。 虽然幼儿最易受营养不良的影响,但是获得足够食物的权利是普遍的,所有的人都需要良好的营养。营养不良包括营养不足、微量营养素缺乏和肥胖,它存在于所有国家及社会经济各阶层。 诸如气候变化、环境可持续性和技术迅速发展等新出现的挑战正在改变粮食体系并提出了如何以可持续的方式养活不断增长的世界人口的问题。 与此同时,不平衡的经济增长、...
  5. Nutrition and biodiversity converge to a common path leading to food security and sustainable development. They feature directly theMillennium Development Goals (MDGs): halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger; and ensure environmental sustainability. In combination, nutrition and...