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9 items found (Showing 1 - 9)
  1. Key Resource 2012-01-20 Plant Pathology, Third Edition, provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of plant pathology, incorporating important new developments in the field. The present volume also follows closely the organization and format of the Second Edition. It includes two new chapters, ""Plant Disease...  
  2. Key Resource 1988-01-01 This book is designed as a textbook but can also be used by field workers as a handbook for identitfication of crop pests and diseases. Pests and diseases are listed under each of forty major crops.  
  3. Key Resource 1996-10-15 Use this book to identify, control, and prevent diseases and disorders of melons, watermelons, squash, cucumbers, and other cucurbits. Table of Contents Introduction; Cucurbit Diseases; Infectious Disorders; Noninfectious Disorders; Botany and Culture; Seed Production; Cultural Practices Part 1:...  
  4. Key Resource
    2019-03-21 This Technical Note provides an overview of parasitic plants of agricultural significance in Africa. Parasitic weeds cause drought stress and stunted crops. Affected plants include cereal grains (e.g., sorghum [Sorghum bicolor] and maize [Zea mays]) and grain legumes (e.g., cowpea [Vigna...  
  5. Key Resource
    2017-09-29 As an organization that equips people with informational resources to reduce hunger, ECHO values the role of science in validating agricultural practices. Over the years, we have received numerous inquiries from university faculty and students looking for ways to do research that benefits...  
  6. Key Resource 2006-04-01 There are two parts to this document; part 1 provides a brief description of the things a college student should consider as he/she chooses opportunities for learning and part 2 lists organizations that provide some practical training. The second section will be most useful for individuals...  
  7. Key Resource 2022-05-20 The current global situation calls for a multi-pronged approach to pest management. To be widely applicable, this approach must provide farmers with options to control pests at various scales of production (from small farms to very large operations) with a diversity of resources. Integrated pest...
  8. Key Resource 1991-02-01 Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...  
  9. Key Resource 1974-01-11 In the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, food grains make up the bulk of the diet for most people. Food grains together with fiber and specialty crops are also principal cash producers. It is with these commodities that this Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics concerns...  

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