1. Como Fazer Chutney (Condimento) de Manga Este material foi tirado deFootstepsuma publicação de literacia de TEAR Fund, com a sua amável autorização. Ilustrações por Jennifer Bowyer Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2019 por MissionAssist Direitos reservados 2019 MissionAssist
  2. In addition to feeding needy families,Trees That Feed Foundation wants to see sustainable, profit-making, and food producing businesses. First, of course, basic food needs must be met. Once those basic needs are met, our farmers and communities would like to produce cash crops and post-harvest...
  3. Key Resource 20/01/2011 While products such as bananas, pineapples, kiwifruit and citrus have long been available to consumers in temperate zones, new fruits such as lychee, longan, carambola, and mangosteen are now also entering the market. Confirmation of the health benefits of tropical and subtropical fruit may also...