1. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed control can increase yields by more than 50%. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile taking a closer look. In this video you can learn how to control weeds most effectively. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video É importante arrancar a estriga daninha com as mãos antes que elas produzam sementes e se espalhem. Como isso é trabalhoso, aconselha-se reduzir o número de estrigas, aplicando composto ou esterco e rotacionando ou consorciando com culturas não cerealíferas, como...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Para produzir material de plantio de mandioca de qualidade, precisamos selecionar um local adequado e preparar a terra com antecedência, certificar-nos da fertilidade do solo, decidir quais variedades cultivar e manusear adequadamente o material de plantio. ...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video A estriga parasita causa mais danos às culturas de cereais em solos pobres, por isso ambos os problemas devem ser enfrentados em conjunto. Neste vídeo, aprenderemos por que é importante combinar pelo menos três métodos de controle para reduzir a estriga e, assim,...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Onions grow well under many different conditions, but when grown in the rainy season onions have a greater chance of getting sick. Onion diseases can make the leaves fold and reduce your yield. Diseases can spread with soil, seed or infested crop residues. ...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video O manejo eficiente de ervas daninhas pode aumentar a produtividade em mais de 50%, mas isso geralmente leva muito tempo. Como agricultor, portanto, vale a pena investir em ferramentas de manejo de ervas daninhas que poupam trabalho. Com este vídeo, você aprende...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Too much drought can slow down growth and cause young fruits to fall. Water your okra regularly to avoid slowing down its growth. Get rid of weeds. Nourish okra crops by periodically applying a little compost, well-rotted manure or litter around the base of each...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video O consórcio ou rotação de culturas de cereais com leguminosas é uma das estratégias de manejo integrado da estriga e fertilidade do solo. Mas manter sementes de leguminosas de qualidade apresenta dois desafios principais. Primeiro, a semente perde facilmente sua...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Agricultores do norte da Nigéria estão mudando a maneira como consorciam o sorgo e o painço com o feijão-de-corda. Ao plantar ambas as culturas em densidades mais altas e em fileiras separadas, aplicando algum fertilizante orgânico e mineral, eles colhem mais e...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Late blight is caused by moulds that survive in the soil and in residues of crops that had the disease. As the disease spreads very fast, inspect your field every day. If you see sick plants, cut of the sick parts of the plant and burn the affected parts. Never...
  11. Access Agriculture Training Video Durante as visitas semanais e com o apoio de seu agente de extensão, uma escola agrícola na Tanzânia aprende como testar diferentes variedades de sorgo para resistência a estrigas e avaliar o desempenho de cada uma delas de acordo com diferentes práticas. ...
  12. Access Agriculture Training Video Learn how to spot banana weevils, how to keep them out of new banana fields and how to trap them. Available languages Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Hindi Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi Kiswahili Luganda Spanish Tamil Tumbuka Urdu
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video By keeping live barriers with flowers around your fields, you help to protect the wasps and the other good insects. And it is easier to produce quinoa without insecticides while conserving our fertile soil. Available languages Arabic Bambara English French...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video O composto é mais poderoso do que o esterco. O que poucos sabem é que os microrganismos do composto atacam as sementes da estriga no solo. O composto também diminui a quantidade de estriga que brotará e reduz seu efeito negativo nas plantações de cereais. Vejamos...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video The cassava mosaic virus disease is an important cassava disease which causes low yields. It can be recognised on the cassava leaves which have spots ranging from light green to yellow. The disease is given to the plant by the whitefly. This disease cannot be...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video Most farmers confuse black rot disease with downey mildew. Whereas mildew starts as purplish irregular spots on the leaves, black rot starts as small, yellow-brown, V-shaped areas at the leaf margins. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video False smut fungus causes chalkiness of rice grains, and negatively affects milling, cooking and eating. By applying a range of agroecological practices, you can avoid disease infestation in your rice crop. Available languages English French Tamil
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how the disease first appears in the leaf tip. Finally, the plant dries up. Non-chemical methods can be used to control this disease. Available languages Bambara Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hindi Marathi Mooré Tamil
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Unless you identify the pest at an early stage, much of the crop can be lost.By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money. Available languages English French Tamil
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video Rust diseases spread through wind and can rapidly develop in cool, wet weather. To know if your crop has rust disease, rub over the infected plant part to see if a yellow, brown or black powder sticks to your fingers. By combining organic methods, you will be...
  21. Access Agriculture Training Video In Benin, producers show us how to plant okra properly. Put no more than 2 to 3 seeds in each hole and plant at proper spacing to let in air and allow the plants to develop well. Available languages Arabic Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Peulh /...
  22. Access Agriculture Training Video Se fizer bom uso dos amigos dos agricultores e das plantas locais da fazenda, a natureza o ajudará a controlar a lagarta-do-cartucho e o recompensará com uma colheita boa e saudável. Idiomas disponíveis Amárico Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga...
  23. Access Agriculture Training Video You can easily control aphids by using some organic practices, such as sprinkling ash, spraying a neem solution or planting trap crops. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Dioula English French Hausa Kiswahili Luganda Marathi...
  24. Access Agriculture Training Video A pulverização de pesticidas é cara e geralmente não consegue controlar essa praga. Visite sua plantação duas vezes por semana durante as primeiras 6 semanas e mate todas as massas de ovos e lagartas-do-cartucho jovens com a mão. É importante fazer a verificação...
  25. Access Agriculture Video Tomato leaf curl cannot be cured by any product. The disease is spread by whiteflies. The best way to control the disease is through prevention. A net house can protect your nursery. A border of cereals around your vegetable field helps keep whiteflies out. Farmers in...
  26. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in India show how ladybird beetles kill mealybugs. By knocking mealybugs off the plants with a strong spray of water, they will die. You can also spray neem oil or an extract of bitter leaves mixed with water or urine. Some biological pesticides contain...
  27. Access Agriculture Training Video Um dos principais parasitas é a estriga, uma erva daninha que suga o sumo e os nutrientes das culturas de cereais como painço, sorgo e milho, causando grandes perdas de rendimento. Uma única estriga pode produzir centenas de milhares de sementes, que são tão...
  28. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize tar spot is a serious pest of maize. To help prevent it, it is important to burn the crop residues from the previous year, or plant your maize in land that did not have maize the year before. Some maize varieties are resistant to this disease. Available...
  29. Access Agriculture Training Video Yields are much higher when rice is transplanted. Compared to broadcasting, yields are two or three times higher. So why not watch this video and find out how and why. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages: Ateso Burmese Chichewa /...
  30. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Thailand share practical tips to reduce the chance of mealybugs arriving in your cassava field. Special attention is paid to planting time; using healthy planting materials; disinfecting cassava stakes; protecting beneficial insects; and regularly...
  31. Access Agriculture Training Video What steps can be taken to make sure that locally grown rice can compete against imports? Improving quality which can lead to increased profits for farmers. Available languages Ateso Bambara Bangla Bariba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kiswahili...
  32. Access Agriculture Training Video Growing oyster mushrooms is easy and can earn you good money. As germs and moulds can grow easily, you must follow good hygiene practices when growing mushrooms at all times. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English French Kikuyu...
  33. Access Agriculture Training Video Use quality seeds in a seedbed of one meter wide. Make furrows about every 15 cm. Do not sow too many seeds too close together or the seedlings will be too tall and weak and they will break easily when transplanted. Protect the seedbed from the hot sun and hard...
  34. Access Agriculture Training Video When chillies remain moist, moulds develop and the chillies will go bad. Some moulds produce a poison, called aflatoxin, which is toxic to people. To speed up drying and to dry your food hygienically you can use a solar dryer that uses the heat of the sun to dry...
  35. Access Agriculture Training Video Lupin can be grown in high or cold areas. Lupin is healthy food, rich in proteins, and good for the soil. In this video, farmers in Bolivia show how to keep your field free from anthracnose disease. Available languages Arabic Aymara English French Quechua...
  36. Access Agriculture Training Video Nematodes are dreadful worms that live in the soil and in the roots of many different crops and weeds. Nematodes are easier to prevent than to control. The secret is to: grow healthy seedlings; destroy all sources of nematodes in and near your vegetable field;...
  37. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in southern Malawi have come up with their own clever ways to harvest, dry, grade and store their chillies. To remove the pain in their hands after harvesting the chillies, they use various techniques. The biggest enemy of stored chillies is moisture, as...
  38. Access Agriculture Training Video Grasshoppers and snails can be a serious problem for any vegetable seedbed as they chew the tender stems of seedlings. Caterpillars can also cause damage, but more so on tomato and cabbage than on chilli.To protect their young crops many farmers use pesticides....
  39. Access Agriculture Training Video A rotação de culturas e o uso de gesso, misturas de ervas ou fungos benéficos como o Trichoderma podem controlar doenças de podridão de raízes e caules. Idiomas disponíveis Ateso Bambara Bangla Birmanês Espanhol Ewe Francês Inglês Kabyé Kiswahili Moba Mooré...
  40. Access Agriculture Training Video Para atingir a melhor densidade de plantas de soja em nosso campo, devemos tomar quatro precauções: 1. usar sementes que cresçam bem; 2. reduzir o espaço entre as fileiras de mudas e entre as covas; 3. não pisar nas covas de plantio do campo; e 4. controlar os...
  41. Access Agriculture Training Video Birds learn quickly and will come back, so regularly change the way you scare birds. All farmers in your community should plant their bean crop within a period of two weeks so that the beans are all growing at the same time, so most of the crop survives. By...
  42. Access Agriculture Training Video The best way to check if you have mango seed weevils is by using sticky bands. Put a sticky band around each tree trunk, at the upper end of the trunk before it branches. The best way to control mango seed weevils is to burn an aromatic mixture to smoke out the...
  43. Access Agriculture Training Video Weaver ants help to protect your fruit and nuts from fruit flies and many other pests. If you don’t have weaver ants in your orchard yet, collect all the nests from an ant colony and transfer them to one of your fruit trees. Help the ants to spread to more trees...
  44. Access Agriculture Training Video It takes a few minutes for a fruit fly to find a suitable spot on the mango and inject her eggs under the skin of the fruit. But even in that short time, the weaver ants will have either chased her away or have captured her. Their scent also helps. When other...
  45. Access Agriculture Training Video Pheromones attract and help to kill the males, so they cannot mate with the females. And without mating, female fruit flies will not be able to lay eggs. To attract and kill the male flies with pheromones, you need to use traps to protect the products from the...
  46. Access Agriculture Training Video Food baits can be used as a spot spray or in bait stations. Fruit flies can detect food baits over short distances, up to 10 metres. Some baits contain a natural insecticide that is allowed in organic fruit production. Available languages Bangla Dioula English...
  47. Access Agriculture Training Video One fruit fly can lay a few hundred eggs during her life. Fruit flies puncture the skin of fruit to lay their eggs, which cause the fruit to drop prematurely and rot. The worms that hatch from these eggs leave the spoilt fruit after one week and crawl into the...
  48. Access Agriculture Training Video Fruit flies inject their eggs in fruit. A single fruit fly can lay hundreds of eggs, which turn into white worms that eat the inside of fruit. If no action is taken, fruit flies quickly increase in numbers and can destroy your entire crop. Always combine...
  49. Access Agriculture Training Video Mix concentrated E.M. from the farm shop with molasses and water, and let it ferment for a week. You can also make your own solution of good micro-organisms with local materials. You can mix the activated solution with water to use on any crop, to soak your seed...