1. 01/10/2021 Este livrinho analisa três ervas daninhas que os agricultores podem considerar benéficas para as suas culturas, e uma quarta que pode ser usada para tratar uma doença comum nas galinhas. Usando material do Footsteps 48 e 65, uma publicação de literacia da Tearfund usado com grata permissão. E do...
  2. 27/05/2020 Coccidiose é uma doença que afeta as galinhas e é causada por parasitas. Se deixar sem tratamento a doença pode ser fatal. Este livrinho descreve como tratar Coccidiose usando as sementes de mamão. Este material foi tirado de "Footsteps 54", uma publicação de literacia daTearfundcom a sua...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that lives in the soil and that spreads through infected seeds. The fungus can survive in the soil for about 3 years. Seed treatment improves germination and helps to keep the crop free from diseases that are in the soil or on...
  4. This resource cover onion diseases such as: Damping-off purple Blotch Stemphylium Blight Basal Rot Downy Mildew OnionSmut Onion Smudge Black Mould Bacterial Brown Rot Onion Yellow Dwarf Anthracnose White rot Neck rot
  5. This Resources highlights onion diseases such as: Botrytis brown stain Sclerotium bulb and stem rot Bacterial Soft Rot Slippery Skin and Sour Skin Xanthomonas leaf blight Mildew Black Mold Blue Mold Rot Smudge (Anthracnose) Downy Mildew
  6. Our purpose in preparing this book is to tell you what you need to know to get along with Hansen's disease. Hopefully, this knowledge will also serve a greater need, giving you the confidence required to get along with HD as it relates to other people and you. 37 pages
  7. 01/01/2004 causados por doenças, pragas ou deficiências de minerais The purpose of this booklet is to help farmers in remote areas prevent and control diseases and plagues in their crops. These farmers may not have access to agricultural extension officers or other experts who could diagnose the cause of...
  8. 20/12/2007 Pest management Ecological pest management Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control Plant clinics for healthy crops Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem Changing the strategies of Farmer Field...
  9. 01/01/2010 Over forty million people today are living with HIV/AIDS. In 2005, three million people died of AIDS, and half a million of them were children. The reality is dark. But in darkness, even one small flame of light makes a difference. And the church of Jesus Christ is bringing light into the...
  10. 07/01/2000 These pictures and the articles in this newsletter reflect the great diversity of concepts, approaches and practices that still exist related to healing people, animals, plants and environments. Vitality and health have a dimension beyond the purely physical and biological level. In most...