01 មករា 1977 This publication contains a general presentation of figure in wood that includes many facets on the subject ranging from basic to highly specific. The objective is to present subject matter in a fashion to enhance knowledge and understanding of figure in wood.
01 មករា 1992 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
01 មករា 1984 These guidelines present procuedures for conducting land evaluation with particular reference to forestry. The principles and methods described here will be found applicable to most forest land use planning situations. These could deal with choices among kinds and intensities of land uses.
01 មករា 1995 Sustainable forest management is one of the most important contributions that the forestry sector can make to development. Following the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, action in the forestry field at internationl, regional and national levels has focused to a large extent on the formulation...
ធនធានសំខាន់01 មករា 2002 This directory is intended to contribute to the informed use of tree germplasm which is an essential component of sustainable forestry and agroforestry practices and to promote wider use of quality germplasm.
01 មករា 2011 Lack of food security is one of the biggest challenges that Central Africans face each day as they toil in their gardens, trying to produce enough food to simply feed their families and afford other expenses in life such as health care or schooling for their children. Main factors limiting...
01 មករា 1987 It is an introductory textbook well adapted to college / University courses in forestry at the professional level as well as to the growing number of resource conservation cources requiring a comprehensive textbook in the forest sector. It is useful in forestry technician training programmes and...
01 មករា 1992 In order to truly put research on a strong base, it will be necessary to inject resources intp the system.Forestry Research in the Asia-Pacific seeks to explain some of the exciting research done in Asia on behalf of reforestation in the Asia Pacific region. 54 pages, tables FORSPA Publication 1...
01 មករា 1962 The book is intended primarily for use in North American forestry schools and in courses integrated with thos others that comprise the normal curriculum of instruction in professional forestry. A secondary purpose is to provide the harried practitioner of forestry with a synoptic review of recent...
19 តុលា 1995 At Wood-Mizer, our workers truly believe in doing the right thing for the right reasons. Since the company's beginning, Wood-Mizer's shareholders chose to donate a portion of the profits that the company made. Over the years, Wood-Mizer's 10% tithe has benefited Indiana schools, and schools as...