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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Maize grains have to be very dry and clean before you store them. The grains will stay free of pests and diseases for a long time in a metal granary, if you store them correctly. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla English French Kiswahili Spanish
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video With pitcher irrigation, round porous clay pots are buried into the soil near the crop and filled with water. The water seeps out slowly through the porous walls of the pot and reaches the roots of the plants. As the plants consume the water, more water will seep...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video You can store fresh tomatoes in a local fridge for a few weeks. A local fridge consists of two earthen pots, placed one inside the other and separated with sand. In addition to storing fresh tomatoes, they can also be dried and used any time. Dried tomatoes can...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Effective weed management can increase yields by more than 50%, but usually takes a lot of time. As a farmer it is therefore worthwhile investing in labour-saving weed management tools. In this video you can learn how to control weeds in lowland rice using the...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Ensure your soil is rich in organic matter and grow a legume intercrop to help keep your soil loose. Plant your cuttings horizontally or at a slant so the roots grow closer to the surface. With a simple tool you can uproot your cassava twice as fast. Available...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Raised beds must be 20 to 30 centimetres high, 80 to 100 centimeters wide and the furrows 30 to 40 centimeters wide. The beds can be 50 to 100 meters long depending on the slope of the field. Because the beds are wide, water is channelled faster through the land,...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video रोपाई वाले चावल की तुलना में एक सीधी बुवाई वाली चावल की फसल को कम पानी, शरम और पैसे की आवशयकता होती है। यह एक से दो सपताह पहले भी परिपकव होता है जब अनय सभी फसलें अभी भी खेत में होती हैं। उपलबध भाषा अंगरेजी फरेंच बांगला हिनदी
  9. Access Agriculture Training video वासतव में, पयाज को कई महीनों तक संगरहीत किया जा सकता है, यदि वे हैं अचछी किसम का, ठीक से उपजाऊ किया और सही तरीके से खोदा, सुखाया और संगरहित किया गया हो । उपलबध भाषा Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar अंगरेजी अरबीएवे किननरवांडा / किरुंदी किसवहिली कुससल चिचेवा / नयंजा टवि...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Without any air, finely chopped green maize ferments without rotting. This is because micro-organisms digest the sugars in the fodder and produce lactic acid, which acts as a natural preservative. The key to making silage is to create the right conditions for a...
  11. Access Agricuture Training Video When you pick your tomatoes, if you want to keep them longer, you have to find a way of reducing the temperature. As availability of electricity at village level can be a problem, ways have to be found to lower the temperature of this fragile crop. Some farmers at...
  12. Access Agriculture Training Video मूंगफली, मकका और अनय खादय पदारथों पर कुछ नए फफूंद उगते हैं। ये फफूंद एफलैटॉकसिन नामक जहर पैदा करते हैं। मूंगफली को सवसथ रखने के लिए मूंगफली की देखभाल पूरे विकास के दौरान करना जरूरी है, लेकिन विशेष रूप से सुखाने और भंडारण के दौरान। उपलबध भाषा Peulh / Fulfuldé /...
  13. Access Agriculture Training Video As soon as you pick your tomatoes their quality can only ever decrease. The best you can do is to slow down the reduction of quality, by following some practices which reduce damage and harm. The key to getting good quality tomatoes to sell starts with the...
  14. Access Agriculture Training Video The best compost for sack mounds is the one made using poultry manure and plant remains. If you use such compost, the sack mound will yield a lot of vegetables for a long time. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English French Luganda...
  15. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers and vegetable sellers find it hard to sell leafy vegetables even a day after harvest because the leaves spoil quickly, but solar drying allows farmers to reduce losses and sell leafy vegetables out of the main harvest season. Available languages Arabic...
  16. Access Agriculture Training Video It is very important to have a product that doesn’t change, that is of the same quality, the same taste, the same colour and that is well presented. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Bemba Chichewa / Nyanja English Fon French Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi...
  17. Access Agriculture Training Video बुरकिना फासो में किसान समूह और वयकति कम लागत वाली डरिप सिंचाई परणाली के लाभों और चुनौतियों की वयाखया करते हैं, और बताते हैं कि इस तरह की परणाली कैसे सथापित की जाती है। एक सामाजिक नवाचार शामिल है जो कारबनिक पदारथ परबंधन से संबंधित है। उपलबध भाषा Kanuri / Kanouri...
  18. Access Agriculture Training Video जब मिरच नम रहती है, तो फफूँद विकसित होते हैं और मिरच खराब हो जाएगी। कुछ फफूँद एफलैटॉकसिन नामक एक जहर का उतपादन करते हैं, जो लोगों के लिए विषाकत है। सुखाने में तेजी लाने के लिए और अपने भोजन को सवासथयकर रूप से सुखाने के लिए आप सोलर डरायर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो फल...
  19. Access Agriculture Training Video Grasshoppers and snails can be a serious problem for any vegetable seedbed as they chew the tender stems of seedlings. Caterpillars can also cause damage, but more so on tomato and cabbage than on chilli.To protect their young crops many farmers use pesticides....
  20. Access Agriculture Training Video फेरोमोन नर को आकरषित करने और मारने में मदद करते हैं, जिससे वे मादाओं के साथ संभोग नहीं कर सकते। और संभोग के बिना, मादा फल मकखियों अंडे देने में सकषम नहीं होगी। नर मकखियों को फेरोमोनस के साथ आकरषित करने और मारने के लिए, आपको उतपादों को बारिश से बचाने के लिए जाल का...