1. A standard wheelbarrow, with the wheel at the front, places about half the weight of the load on the operator. A load-centered wheelbarrow places the wheel in the center of the load, shifting 90% or more of the weight to the wheel instead of the operator. This allows the device to be used for...
  2. 20/12/2023 Une brouette standard, avec la roue à l’avant, fait peser environ la moitié du poids de la charge sur l’utilisateur. Une brouette centrée sur la charge place la roue au centre de la charge, transférant 90 % ou plus du poids sur la roue plutôt que sur l’utilisateur. Cela permet d’utiliser l’...
  3. The “Hippo Water Roller Project” was established in 1994 in response to the unique needs and constraints in terms of access to water of rural women and children across Africa. Now simply referred to as “Hippo Roller”, the broad social impact of this social enterprise has been felt in more than...