1. 15/12/2009 Worldwide there are 1.1 billion people who do not have a way to get clean drinking water. Every year, 1.8 million people die from diarrheal disease, and it is estimated that 88% can be attributed to the lack of clean drinking water[1]. This project will partner with the non-profit organization...
  2. You may already know that clean water is scarce in many parts of the world. But, did you know thatevery eight seconds a child dies from problems caused by drinking water that is contaminated and unsafe? You have found"A Layman's Guide to Clean Water": An introduction to water, sanitation, and...
  3. This section includes wells, boreholes, handpumps, animal powered pumps, and renewable energy powered pumps.
  4. 20/01/2012 L’accès à une eau propre reste une priorité en Afrique, essentielle pour lutter contre les maladies hydriques. Pour faciliter cet accès dans les zones rurales et périurbaines, ce manuel technique décrit la façon de réaliser une pompe manuelle immergée à partir de matériaux disponibles localement....