1. This animation explains a method to test if your grain has a low enough moisture level for you to store it. This technique utilizes salt to help determine the moisture level in your grain.
  2. This animation explains the best practices for bag storage of grain using a bag stacking technique.
  3. This video explains how to dry grains after harvest by building a low-cost High Velocity Solar Grain Dryer. Drying grain is important because it reduces the chance for mold growth in the grain, which will increase its storage life as well as ensuring that it will sell at a higher price. When you...
  4. This video explains how to dry grains after harvest by using the High Velocity Solar Grain Dryer. Drying grain is important because it reduces the chance for mold growth in the grain, which will increase its storage life as well as ensuring that it will sell at a higher price. Instructions on how...
  5. This animation explains how to store grains using best practices for bag storage. It deals with how to prepare the grain for storage, transport the bags, and how to properly store the bags.
  6. An agricultural value chain is a system of people that work in various stages in crop production. The value chain contains every person that works to get the crops from the farm where they were planted, to the consumer that will end up eating them. This animation explains the importance of each...
  7. This video shows why the prices change for agricultural products. Many factors influence the price of an agricultural commodity. A farmer should be aware of all the factors that affect the supply and demand of his crop, as these will influence the price. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  8. Une gestion efficace pendant la période post-récolte, plutôt que le niveau de sophistication d'une technologie donnée, est la clé pour atteindre les objectifs souhaités. Bien que les opérations à grande échelle puissent bénéficier d'un investissement dans des machines de manutention coûteuses et...
  9. 01/06/1989 Amazon.com Description An ELBS/LPBB edition is available.
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous allons apprendre comment récolter les fruits de karité, extraire les noix des fruits, trier, sécher et décortiquer les noix pour obtenir des amandes de bonne qualité. Nous allons également apprendre comment trier, sécher et classer par...