1. 01/01/1995 The major aims of these handbooks are to document the useful tree and shrub species of the region and to provide information to subject-matter specialist, extension workers, institutions and farmers on species that have production and conservation potential for small-scale farmers in the region....
  2. Vasant Saberwal explores the origins of the alarmist rhetoric on land degradation in the western Himalaya, which he finds to be unsubstantiated according to empirical evidence and ecological theory.
  3. One of the main aims of this book is to benefit the rural people of Ethiopia by encouraging them to grow more trees and shrubs of a wider variety of species than they have up to now. It provides information on a selection of useful tree and shrub species for the range of agroclimatic conditions...
  4. 01/01/1994 This handbook was published with the hope that it will be widely used by extension, education and research institutions in order to foster interest in the growing and management of a wider range of tree and shrub species as part of the development of sustainable land-use systems in Tanzania.
  5. This report looks at the potential of specialist groupings of Members of Parliament for promoting pastoral development and overcoming pastoral poverty and vulnerability in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The main challenges in pastoral development are related to policy and governance: conflicts and...
  6. The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range management practice. This book examines the management of policy implications of this new ecological thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. With examples drawn from all over...
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video Introduction aux pratiques de gestion durables des sols qui ont fait l'objet de suivi et dont les données sont enregistrées en Afrique. Elles peuvent aider à controller la dégradation des sols et à ameliorer la production des petits producteurs, malgré les défis...
  8. This publication brings together the inputs made by over 120 participants in a web-based forum organised in 2006 and managed by the International Land Coalition on pastoral land rights. The paper has been further enriched with material from a number of projects from around the world and the...
  9. 01/01/1990 The papers reviewed here pose a number of difficult questions regarding the precision with which carrying capacity can be estimated, current definitions of the concept and its relevance to certain dry African environments. They also critically examine the concept of rangeland degradation and...