1. How human demands are outstripping the earth's capacitiesand what we need to do about it.Ever since 9/11, many have considered al Queda to be the leading threat to global security, but falling water tables in countries that contain more than half the world's people and rising temperatures...
  2. Ressource principale
    20/01/2013 Environ 98% de la production agricole dans les régions soudano-sahéliennes d’Afrique occidentale et centrale est basée sur les cultures pluviales. Avec une pluviométrie annuelle moyenne de 300 à 800 mm/an, le nombre de cultures de base est très limité. On distingue deux céréales: le mil...
  3. Ressource principale
    20/01/2011 Pour plus de 30 ans passés que nous continuons à travailler avec les petits fermiers en Afrique Centrale, nous nous sommes jouis de merveilleuse luxuriance de ses forets, savanes, et rivières. En plus, nous avons été privilégiés de connaitre d’innombrables groupes ethniques, avec différentes...
  4. 01/04/2009 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #1 What is the outlook for world food prices? In the immediate future (the next few months), some moderation in global food prices seems likely in response to very recent (since mid-2008) declines in world grain and energy prices. In the short-term (next 2 to 3...
  5. Ressource principale
    01/01/2011 L’absence de sécurité alimentaire est l’un des plus grands défis auxquels les habitants de l’Afrique Centrale sont confrontés chaque jour tandis qu’ils peinent dans leurs jardins, en essayant de produire suffisamment de nourriture pour nourrir leurs familles et se permettre d’autres dépenses de...
  6. If you want to explore the basic facts regarding the wide-spread pollution of the Earth and our food supply, you will want to read the book from cover to cover.
  7. This book is about food security in low-income countries. It evaluates food systems by asking how adequately they are feeding the whole population on a reliable, sustainable and non-dependent basis.
  8. Ressource principale 01/01/2001 This book is about global hunger, and our backyard garden. It looks at the opportunities that the future holds for people facing hunger all over the world, with these objectives: 1. To create an awareness that there is a world of potential beyond tomatoes and green beans. 2. To note what some of...
  9. 26/11/2019 Session: Activities will be shared which have impacted the marginalized in Kondoa town by improving nutrition for the most insecure. A multi-sectoral approach was used involving staff from agriculture, health and community development departments. Dorice Munisi has a BSc in Home Economics and...
  10. 26/11/2019 Session: The Farmer Field School approach has been used all over the world to transfer technologies to farmers in a sustainable, participatory and experiential way. As communities are increasingly faced with food insecurityand climate change, there’s a need to involve farmers in validating...