1. FAO: Dans presque tous les pays du monde, les abeilles et leurs produits sont non seulement bien connus et prisés par les consommateurs, mais aussi ils fournissent des moyens de subsistance durables à de nombreux petits agriculteurs et autres communautés rurales et non rurales. Les abeilles...
  2. 01/01/2001 Small-scale beekeeping is an attractive cash crop option for resource-poor farmers in the tropics. It demands little in the way of time, finances or natural resources, and the honey and beeswax harvested can be processed in the home and sold locally. At the same time, pollination by honeybees...
  3. 01/01/2021 *Available as Download Only Bees provide a critical link in the maintenance of ecosystems, pollination. They play a major role in maintaining biodiversity, ensuring the survival of many plants, enhancing forest regeneration, providing sustainability and adaptation to climate change and improving...
  4. 01/01/2008 Step-by-step instructions to build your own round hive. Instructions will walk through the creation of a small apiary, the making of a round hive, the management of a round hive, and yeilding honey from a round hive.Published under this title and also Beekeeping Simplified.
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans les ruches traditionnelles, les abeilles produisent leurs propres rayons de cire qui sont souvent collés les uns aux autres, ce qui rend difficile la récolte du miel. D’une ruche traditionnelle, on peut extraire le miel seulement deux ou trois fois par an....
  6. 08/03/2013 Today's beekeepers face unprecedented challenges, a fact that is front-page news with the spread in recent years of the mysterious and deadly colony collapse disorder (CCD).Numerous pests have made chemical treatment of hives standard practice, yet resistance is building, which in turn creates...
  7. 26/03/2015 Apiculture, the scientific management of bees in special enclosures in order to increase yield of hive products and gain pollination benefit, has a great future in Ghana if it is properly harnessed. Traditional method of honey production which is common in many parts of Ghana especially the...
  8. 14/07/2015 In northern Thailand, widespread mono-cropping has led to environmental changes which have affected the natural habitat of bees, resulting in diminishing numbers and reduced honey production. As ECHO Asia already has a variety of different flower species, trialing honey production seemed like a...
  9. Founded in 1993,Bees for Developmentwas the first organisation to articulate the reasons why beekeeping is such a useful tool for alleviating poverty while helping to retain biodiversity. We focus on simple methods of sustainable beekeeping, always using local bees and local materials. We have...
  10. Ressource principale 01/01/1982 This is a manual for getting started with small scale beekeeping development projects. The intention is to provide an overview of beekeeping and its possibilities as a tool for development. No attempt is made to duplicate technical information given in other readily available resources on...