1. 1/1/2020 En la finca de ECHO en North Fort Myers (zona 9a/10b), Florida, se efectuó un ensayo comparativo de variedades de frijol alado. Se evaluó siete variedades de este frijol (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) en cuanto a producción y longitud de vainas así como en cuanto a producción de semillas. Las...
  2. 1/4/1998 Traditionally the people of Sri Lanka consume vegetable cooked as curries with the dietary staple, rice. Legumes, in general, play a vital role in Sri Lankan diets and they are being consumed as green vegetables or pulses. Edible legumes are excellent sources of dietary protein and oil....
  3. 1/1/1978 The purpose of this series of bulletins is to furnish information about vegetables that can be grown in the hot, humid Tropics. The vegetables covered are either not well known, at least with respect to some uses, or not well distributed, but are productive during tropical rainy seaons. The...
  4. 1/1/1981 The Winged Bean Flyer was established in 1977, with the support of The Asia Foundation, as part of the Foundation's effort to encourage development of a cooperative international program on the winged bean. This publication reported on the efforts to bring about the development of winged bean as...
  5. 1/1/1981 Few crops have risen so quickly from total obscurity to the winged bean's current level of prominence. The publication is written to acquaint administrators and uninitiated researchers with the plant and it's promise. Online Book
  6. 20/10/2007 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, leguminosa sorprendentemente productiva, crece como enredadera por lo generalsobre de postes o enrejados de 1.5 a 2 m (5 a 6.5 ft). Probablemente originaria de los trópicos asiáticos,prospera en áreas calientes y húmedas y crece en elevaciones de hasta 2000 m (6562...
  7. 20/7/2008 Brief descriptions of annual underutilized crops for which ECHO provides seeds.
  8. 30/1/2018 In 2012 Biosphere Foundation in conjunction with various local community organization and LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) started to carry out relevant research activities. These activities included research into agricultural improvement in the farms surrounding the National Park that...
  9. Eric Toensmeier conducts a workshop in 2012 @ ECHO-Florida highlighting some of the 4000+ plants grown on the ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers, FL. For more from Eric Toensmeier, check out http://carbonfarmingsolution.com/