1. 20/1/2005 Los agricultores en todas partes siembran semillas con la esperanza de que germinen, crezcan y produzcan uncultivo que pueda cosecharse. En algunos casos, las semillas sembradas germinan según lo esperado. En otros,el porcentaje de germinación de las semillas es bastante bajo. Este artículo...
  2. 20/10/2009 The main purpose of this article is to provide introductory information for those who are new to peanuts and may be wondering how peanut varieties or subspecies may differ from each other.
  3. 20/4/2007 In observation trials, each variety is grown in only one plot of ground. Observations from such trials are not as conclusive as with replication. As long as site conditions are fairly uniform, however, they give the experimenter a pretty good idea of likely “losers” and “winners.”
  4. 20/10/2008 Faba bean is one of the oldest dual-use food and fodder species. The beans are rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins. Containing approximately 26% protein, 2% fat, and 50% carbohydrate, faba bean is considered in some regions to be superior to field peas or other legumes as a human...
  5. 20/7/2005 Black Sapote is eaten fresh after the fruit has ripened and softened and the inside has turned into a dark brown chocolate color.
  6. 20/1/2010 Sprouting seeds for food involves germinating them by first soaking them, then putting them in a moist, warm environment for a few days, rinsing them at least twice a day. Over the years, sprouting has been mentioned to us as a beneficial and easy method of increasing the nutrition of cereal and...
  7. 20/1/2010 We at ECHO are sometimes asked what we recommend for a germination medium in situations where seeds or seedlings need to be started in pots or plastic sacks before going out to the field. This past summer, we conducted a trial at ECHO to make and evaluate potting mixes that could serve as...
  8. 20/7/2009 Many of you have graciously taken the time to fill out the seed harvest report form that accompanies each mailing of seeds from our seed bank. In reading reports from people in our network, we want to learn whether the seeds we are sending out have improved the lives of poor small-holder farmers....
  9. 20/4/2008 Stick small seed crops to a piece of newspaper with white wood glue. You can do this in a strip or on little pieces. Then you take this and stick it into a little slot in the soil. It works great. The glue dissolves and seeds germinate.
  10. 20/7/2006 La fruta de Jack ha sido valorada y cultivada desde hace mucho tiempo en Asia tropical. Se cree que es originaria de las selvas lluviosas de la India y ha ha permanecido relativamente desconocida en el resto de los trópicos.