1. 20/10/2008 The solution to production gluts is to extend the season (i.e. have a harvestable product a bit earlier or later than most farmers) or to grow totally out of the normal season. Most crops are not easy to grow out of season. However, pineapple flowering is easily induced at any time of the year...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Many pineapples are wasted, because they cannot be kept fresh for more than a week. By drying pineapples farmers can reduce waste and earn more money throughout the year. Available languages Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja English French Hausa Luganda Peulh /...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video En el espacio amplio entre la doble hilera de piña, se puede producir frijoles o maní (cacahuate) durante el primer año, lo cual mejora el suelo. Muchos agricultores cortan todos los árboles para establecer sus piñales. Pero se equivocan porque la piña crece mejor...