1. Recurso clave 12/1/1986 Includes index. Translated by: John Coates. pests rice maize legumes vegetables fruits storage insecticidal plants ashes baits traps vegetable oils mineral substances
  2. The symposium summarizes the presnet state of knowledge in the area, analyzes avilable information in the light of public concern, examines changes in or alternatives to the use of pesticides, and discusses the use of pesticides in conjunction with other pest control methods.
  3. 1/1/1988 This book is intended to present a comprhensive picture of major pests and their managements, and is not intended as an exhaustive study of every possible pests found in many regions of this country.
  4. 1/1/2007 This booklet gives an overview of the main non-chemical measures for protecting crops from pests. Most of the measures are preventative, and involve planning and farming practices that will reduce pest numbers and the damage they do. It covers insects, mites, micro-organisms and weeds, and...
  5. 1/1/2009 With growing consumer awareness about the dangers of garden chemicals, turn toThe Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control (by Fern Bradley) as the most reliable and comprehensive guide on the garden shelf. Rodale has been the category leader in organic methods for decades,...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video La manera más fácil de detectar a los gorgojos es con bandas pegajosas, que se compran en la agropecuaria. Cuando hay frutos tiernos, queme las hojas de algunas plantas. El humo no mata a los insectos, pero los ahuyenta. Destruya los frutos caídos y semillas en 3...
  7. En este video mostramos una técnica para elaborar un insecticida natural con los frutos del árbol del paraíso también conocido como Neem. Este árbol crece en regiones subtropicales de la India, África y de las Americas.The voiceover was done by a volunteer at no cost to any granting program....
  8. 1/1/1987 Included in this publication are articles on biological control of citrus blackfly, white flies, certain citrus scale insects, Mexican bean beetle, and alligatorweed. Research 87, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida Florida Agricutural Research publication
  9. Overzealous and indiscriminate use of many synthetic pesticides during recent decades in the control of plant pests has resulted in a number of environmental and toxicological problems. Reducing the release of synthetic chemicals into the environment requires that alternative sources of chemicals...
  10. The main purpose of this conference was to obtain an overview of the present knowledge on the use of neem products, especially for pest control purposes. Furthermore, the stimulation of neem research and of international cooperation was expected from it.