1. 28/3/2023 Pocas cosas son tan devastadoras como inspeccionar un día todo su jardín o huerto y despertarse a la mañana siguiente y encontrarte todas las hojas arrancadas de sus cultivos, con nada más que un rastro de unos cuantos fragmentos semicirculares de sus preciosas plantas alejándose de su jardín. No...
  2. 19/1/1995 Alfredo Petrov, Cochabamba, Boliviashares his experience in controlling leafcutterants. James Gordley, Panama.“I am having great results with New Zealand spinach, Tetragonia tetragonioides. Fr. Gerold Rupper, Tanzania.Concerning mothers with insufficient milk for nursing, “This was the problem...
  3. 1/12/2003 44 pages, illustrated, tables
  4. 1/3/1995 35 pages, illustrated The Florida Citrus Leafminer Task Force
  5. On the face of it, a leafcutter ant’s nest is a perfect picture of harmonious relationships. Worker ants go out to forage for fresh leaf material that they use togrow a fungus(Leucoagaricus gonglyophorous). In return for a mulchy compost of fresh leaves, the fungus breaks down the plant material...