1. Abstract, Agriculture & Food Security, 2017 Local seed systems that are developed, managed and maintained by farmers are a fundamental practice in smallholder crop production, supporting more than 80% of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and feeding more than 70% of its population. The resilience...
  2. INTRODUCTION Seeds are a vital component of the world’s diet. Cereal grains alone, which comprise -90% of all cultivated seeds, contribute up to half of the global per capita energy intake. Not surprisingly then, seed biology is one of the most extensively researched areas in plant physiology....
  3. Seed-based development demands a holistic approach if one aims to have impact for a large number of farmers and across a broad rangeof crops. Seed systems need to be designed to meet multiple goals: increase production, enhance family nutrition, make systems more resilience, and help farmers...
  4. 8/2/2017 Smallholder farmers in rural African villages rely on their home-grown seeds for more than 85% of their needs. Due to various reasons, small holder farmers are enticed or forced to use seeds from commercial companies which create dependency. Seed saving has challenges. For farmers to produce...
  5. La meta del Banco Global de Semillas de ECHO es servir como recurso para trabajadores en desarrollo quienes desean experimentar con cultivos subutilizados mientras trabajan para mejorar las vidas de agricultores de pequeña escala y jardineros. El Banco de Semillas mantiene una colección de...
  6. 20/4/2004 Poor crop establishment is common in developing countries. However, plants can be given a head start if they are able to germinate and emerge quickly. One way to minimize the time that seeds spend absorbing water from the soil is to soak the seeds in water before sowing them.
  7. 20/1/2005 Los agricultores en todas partes siembran semillas con la esperanza de que germinen, crezcan y produzcan uncultivo que pueda cosecharse. En algunos casos, las semillas sembradas germinan según lo esperado. En otros,el porcentaje de germinación de las semillas es bastante bajo. Este artículo...
  8. 20/7/2008 Topics briefy addressed: Nematode management. Seed inoculants to maximize the ability ofleguminous plants to fix nitrogen. Bean weevils controlled by tumbling the beans. Controlling seed storage conditions. Saving your own vegetable seeds. Neem leaf tea or neem seed oil to discourageinsect...
  9. La yuca puede cultivarse en casi cualquier parte de las zonas tropicales, pero es muy sensible a las heladas. Puede sobrevivir en condiciones secas durante un período de tiempo muy largo y seguir produciendo una buena cosecha. Puede tener un rendimiento extremadamente alto.
  10. In every region of the world it is necessary to find or develop appropriate techniques for agriculture. A large part of the surface of the world is arid, characterized as too dry for conventional rain fed agriculture. Yet, millions of people live in such regions, and if current trends in...