1. 1/1/1975 A complete book on tomatoes for the new gardener and a valuable reference tool for the experienced home vegetable grower. Here is all you need to know about: The right soil for tomatoes Starting seedlings Planting facts and garden care Protecting plants in early spring and late fall Staking and...
  2. 5/1/1982 The Storage and Handling of Onions provides information on harvesting, field handling, drying, storage, cultivars, sprout suppression, packing and diseases of onions. Produced by the Tropical Products Institute, a British Government organisation.
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video La rotación de cultivos y el uso de yeso, extractos de hierbas u buenos hongos como el Trichoderma pueden controlar la pudrición de raíz y tallo. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Birmano Español Ewe Francés Inglés Kabyé Kiswahili Moba Mooré Tamil Telugo Árabe
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las garrapatas son pequeños animalitos como insectos que se pegan al cuerpo del ganado para chupar su sangre. Las garrapatas transmiten enfermedades como lesiones en la piel. El ganado se vuelve flaco y ya no puede dar leche. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Bangla...
  5. 2/2/2010 Featuring the most up-to-date science-based recommendations for keeping plants healthy and productive,The Organic Gardener's Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Controlincludes hundreds of organic techniques and products for dealing with garden problems. You'll learn how to decide whether you...
  6. 28/10/2014 The Great Lakes region is a major production area of banana (Musa ssp.), with higher per capita consumption levels than anywhere else in the world, The region is home to the East African highland bananas (EAHB), which are an important food and cash crop for more than 30 million people in the...
  7. 6/2/2018 Speaker Bio: Patrick is originally from Louisiana, but spent most of his growing-up years overseas. He lived in Rwanda, Mauritius, and Botswana before returning to the U.S. to begin university. After completing his undergraduate degree, he returned to Virginia Tech to complete a Master’s degree...
  8. 18/7/2018 “Save the Guacamole!” (Salvemos el guacamole) es el grito de batalla de unacampaña en la Floridapara luchar contra la enfermedad fúngica que está matando los árboles de aguacate (Persea americana) en la Florida. La enfermedad de marchitez del laurel es causada por el hongo Raffaelea lauricola y...