1. 1/4/2010 ECHO consideró de qué manera nuestros recursos pueden ser más útiles a la luz del reciente devastador terremoto ocurrido en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. Nuestra principal fortaleza está en el área de información agrícola pertinente para los cooperantes para el desarrollo, voluntarios de proyectos y...
  2. 12/10/2016 There are manyECHOcommunity members and organizations responding to the damage in the Caribbean caused by Hurricane Matthew.Networking with others involved in therelief effortis important in ensuringall effected communities are covered and that the duplication of effort is minimized. Paul...
  3. 26/10/2016 This document was originally prepared in response to hurricane Matthew in 2016. As organizations are responding to Hurricane Matthew damage in Haiti and in other parts of the Caribbean, they are developing short, medium, and long term plans of how to respond. With much of the damage in Haiti...
  4. ¿Qué sucede si trabaja en una comunidad cuando ocurre un desastre? ¿Qué pasos hacia la recuperación puede tomar en tal situación? ¿Y qué medidas se pueden tomar de antemano para minimizar el daño de un evento catastrófico a gran escala como el tifón Haiyan, que devastó grandes porciones de...
  5. Secure and sustainable livelihoods not only reduce poverty but also reduce susceptibility to disasters. Disaster mitigation, or disaster risk reduction (DRR), is about preparing for disasters and minimising the risk when they arrive. Emergency relief or disaster response is a specific...
  6. We are inspired to connect, to create and to champion lasting change for poor and vulnerable people around the globe. With our shared belief in a just world and an understanding that we achieve more together, we strive each day to work collaboratively to carry out our mission. Our strategy helps...
  7. Disasters are a growing threat, affecting more people and doing more damage than ever before. Their impact is especially devastating in countries with high levels of material poverty; the Least Developed Countries accounted for 40 per cent of all deaths from natural hazards between 2000 and 2010,...
  8. TANDEM stands for Tearfund’s Approach in Disasters E-learning modules. It is a set of mini-modules which can be completed online or offline on a range of critical issues for Tearfund and partner staff working in humanitarian disaster situations. They can be worked on at your own pace, on your own...