1. 28/1/2022 Este libro describe el método y los materiales utilizados para construir una “casa del ciclón” a prueba de tormentas en Vanuatu. Trae un apéndice que ofrece la oportunidad de profundizar en la discusión sobre las cuestiones ambientales que plantea. Utiliza material de un artículo de Jon Letman,...
  2. 8/6/2020 A clean outside toilet that is properly sited and built will help the whole community to stay healthy and safe. Adapted from "Construction du cabinet" - a shell template in French by SIL Cameroon. Text 1997 SIL International with illustrations by "Atelier de Matériel pour l'Animation" (AMA) and...
  3. Consejos sobre cómo protegerse y cómo proteger edificaciones y estructuras frente a tormentas eléctricas. Este material fue tomado de "Footsteps", la publicación de alfabetización deTearfund, con permiso amablemente concedido. Esta edición fue publicada en el Reino Unido en 2019 por...
  4. Chickens have very basic needs: food and water, adequate shelter and space, and predator protection. Chicken owners go to all different lengths to meet those needs, from the simplest to the very elaborate. The beauty of raising chickens is that there is no set formula and no way that you must do...
  5. Fish Pond design and construction: A typical earthen fish pond should be 300m2 . The main physical factors to consider are the land area, water supply and the soil water retention capacity
  6. 1/1/1995 This book describes principles and construction techniques for builders, householders and communities who are building in hazard-prone areas. The principles are clearly and simply presented- and in a form which can be adapted for use in training or public information campaigns - with an emphasis...
  7. 1/1/1983 Las instrucciones completas por construir cada bomba son incluidas en el manual, con los dibujos detallados para guiar la construcción. Operando y también se dan las direcciones de mantenimiento. La eficacia las comparaciones le permiten a la usuaria que escoja el plan bueno para un la situación...
  8. Health care practitioners, planners and artisans will find ideas and designs for equipment that can be made locally in relatively small workshops. Alternative materials and fabrication methods are described to meet differing local circumstances.
  9. Will Eaves designed beds, trolleys, wheelchairs and other equipment made from wood, metal tubing and wheels taken from scrap heaps. His plans and designs as well as other developed by health care workers in various parts of the world have now been brought together in the book compiled by Roger...
  10. Floor plans, drawings, specifications, and descriptions are provided for efficiently and ecologically designed family houses, studio livingspaces, hillside homes, and underground and passive solar-tempered houses. 316 pgs, illustrations, pictures