1. 19/12/1999 A practical way to increase the number of banana suckers.
  2. 1/4/2010 ECHO consideró de qué manera nuestros recursos pueden ser más útiles a la luz del reciente devastador terremoto ocurrido en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. Nuestra principal fortaleza está en el área de información agrícola pertinente para los cooperantes para el desarrollo, voluntarios de proyectos y...
  3. 20/4/2008 The technique described in this article is very practical and applicable in certain situations. For example, it is becoming very useful for us here in Gamboula, Central African Republic (CAR), to produce planting material to distribute to our agroforestry cooperatives. It would also be helpful as...
  4. 20/10/2006 Food security in Burundi is under threat due to fears that an incurable banana disease, which has already been reported in several neighboring countries, could sweep across the nation.
  5. 20/7/2008 Descriptions of several crops that are adapted to difficult situations.
  6. 28/10/2014 The Great Lakes region is a major production area of banana (Musa ssp.), with higher per capita consumption levels than anywhere else in the world, The region is home to the East African highland bananas (EAHB), which are an important food and cash crop for more than 30 million people in the...
  7. 20/10/2014
  8. Sustainable Agriculture Research Elizabeth Langford, Patrick J Trail, Abram J Bicksler, Rick Burnette Abstract Smallholder farmers raising pigs in northern Thailand rely heavily on banana stalks as a fermented feed source, but struggle to reproduce banana plants fast enough to keep up with...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video En todo el mundo, la gente come plátanos y bananos. Mientras algunas personas preparan el plátano como su alimento principal, muchos lo comen como fruta fresca. Una vez cosechados, los bananos no se preservan mucho tiempo y son fácilmente dañados durante el...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video Aprender cómo reconocer a los picudos del banano, cómo evitar que entren a las nuevas plantaciones y cómo atraparlos. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Español Fon Francés Hindi Inglés Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi Kiswahili Luganda Tamil...