1. 14/4/2020 En África oriental, las prácticas agrícolas para maximizar la producción han disminuido considerablemente la biodiversidad, reduciendo el funcionamiento de los servicios ecosistémicos valiosos para la salud humana y paisajística. Las investigaciones primarias sobre el impacto de la biodiversidad...
  2. A slideshow documenting the process for making straws from bamboo.
  3. Trusted by more than 130,000 humanitarians and developed in collaboration with leading aid agencies and humanitarian experts, DisasterReady.org makes cutting-edge professional development resources available to relief and developmentworkers and volunteers - anywhere, anytime, at no cost....
  4. 1/1/1993 Gardeners everywhere love herbs for the wonderful flavors they add to food, the beauty they lend to the garden, and for their many uses in crafts and as home remedies. This hands-on guide shows how anyone can successfully grow a wide range of more than 90 herbs in the back yard. Features a...