"Como reflejo de la gravedad de la inseguridad alimentaria mundial, más del 60 % de la población de África oriental se considera desnutrida, y muchas regiones se encuentran en estado de hambruna. Existe un amplio acuerdo sobre la necesidad de ayudar a los pequeños agricultores a pasar de una agricultura de subsistencia a una agricultura sostenible y rentable, aumentando su productividad agrícola, reduciendo las pérdidas por deterioro poscosecha y ofreciendo vínculos con el mercado. La mayoría de los países de África oriental tienen una economía agraria, con más del 80 % de los hogares que dependen de la agricultura para su sustento. El clima se caracteriza por temporadas secas semestrales, en las que muchos agricultores sufren debido a la escasez de agua y la mala nutrición del suelo. Si bien los períodos cortos de lluvia benefician a los agricultores locales, las lluvias intensas a veces destruyen los cultivos comerciales. Los invernaderos son estructuras permanentes cubiertas de vidrio o plástico, que permiten a los agricultores cultivar verduras y frutas durante todo el año a través de sistemas de riego y temperatura controlados de forma mecánica."

(PDF) Design of Affordable Greenhouses for East Africa. Disponible en: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257142950_Design_of_Affordable_Greenhouses_for_East_Africa

  1. Since the release of the 2018 World Greenhouse Vegetable Statistics publication, several questions have been asked regarding the types of structures used in “Greenhouse” vs. “Protected Agriculture” statistics. The answers are related to the actual definitions used.
  2. 3/3/2016 The Bio-Integrated Farm is a twenty-first-century manual for managing nature’s resources. This groundbreaking book brings “system farming” and permaculture to a whole new level. Author Shawn Jadrnicek presents new insights into permaculture, moving beyond the philosophical foundation to practical...
  3. 20/1/2017 This paper is shared as acase study of a greenhouse project in a cold climate. It contains information on the benefits of greenhouses in a temperate setting. Technical details provide practical considerations ingreenhouseconstruction, some of which would also apply to tropical settings. We noted,...
  4. Abstract, ResearchGate, 2012 Reflecting the severity of global food insecurity, over 60% of the East African population is considered malnourished, with many regions in a state of famine. There is broad agreement on the need to help small-scale farmers move from subsistence to sustainable and...
  5. 20/1/2013 Principles for Mediterranean climate areas A very significant event in the world history of Agriculture is the domestication of plants by mankind. Instead of depending on wild growth, it was realized that the planting of seeds or cuttings allowed the propagation of the type of plants desired....
  6. Cuesta Roble* Greenhouse Vegetable Consulting was established in 2004 in the Sierra Mountain foothills of California. We publish several greenhouse vegetable publications on production methods, global statistics, and grower contact listings.
  7. The fundamentals of managing pests in protected structures are very similar in many respects to managing pests in field crops. The grower must still develop a management plan, assembling pertinent information for identifying, monitoring and controlling specific pests before planting. Integration...
  8. 1/1/1978 Peter Clegg, a solar architect, and Derry Watkins, his gardening wife, take the two key elements of this picture, the warm protected environment and the lush vegetation--and weave them into the major components of this unusal book. Besides covering all aspects of growing plants indoors, the...
  9. 1/1/2004 This Agrodok deals with the possibilities applicable to protect horticultural crops against unfavorable climatic conditions. It fits with the worldwide expansion of tunnels and greehouses covered with plastic foils during the last two or three decades.
  10. 1/1/1975 Organic Gardening Under Glass, written by two well-known greehouse growers and garden writers, is all about ornamentals and edibles in the greenhouse. Read it and you'll discover how to propagate house plants, grow tropical orchids, and harvest blueberries and peppers. Find out how to get a...
  11. Conveners P.E. Bournet, E. Brajeul, H. Fatnassi Editors P.E. Bournet, E. Brajeul, H. Fatnassi Publication date 23 November 2020 ISBN 978-94-62612-94-5 ISSN 0567-7572(print) 2406-6168(electronic) Number of articles 148 Volumes 1 Place Angers, France
  12. 1/1/1981 Esto fabricó de antemano que el invernáculo puede agregarse al lado sur deuna casa existente para bajo $225.
  13. Karl-Johan Bergstrand, Organic fertilizers in greenhouse production systems – a review, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 295, 2022, 110855, ISSN 0304-4238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110855. Abstract: From a sustainability point of view, there are strong arguments of nutrient recycling...