Mediante la mezcla de compost con agua y el cultivo durante un período limitado, podemos producir té de compost, ya sea té de compost aireado o no. Té de compost no aireado. Los tés de compost se utilizan por su efecto beneficioso sobre las plantas. El compost de alta calidad se refiere a aquel que tiene una alta actividad microbiológica. El té de compost se elabora mediante dos métodos de preparación: método no aireado, método aireado. Para ambos métodos de compostaje o producción de té de compost, se pueden añadir o no alimentos microbianos. La inconsistencia se ha asociado con una serie de factores que afectan el proceso de producción. Cada uno tiene características que influyen en la calidad del compost maduro. El compost contiene un grupo diverso de organismos dominados por bacterias y hongos que participan en la descomposición de la materia orgánica. La dilución del té antes de la aplicación foliar puede reducir los nutrientes y la población microbiana. --Advances in Bioresearch

  1. Recurso clave 1/7/1984 One aspect of ECHO's ministry is behind the scenes for most of our readers. We help college professors and students in the sciences identify research projects that would be of benefit to the small Third World farmer. Several ideas that could be done at an undergraduate level are written up in...
  2. 20/4/2011 Eric Broberg, heading to Latin America with the Peace Corps, wrote to us: “I found the article on ‘Multiplication and Use of Soil Microorganisms’ in the January 2011 EDN (Issue 110) to be interesting yet glaringly absent was any mention of compost tea.
  3. 1/1/2020 El vermicompost contiene una cantidad considerable de organismos biológicos capaces de controlar enfermedades de las plantas en la superficie foliar. Este estudio, efectuado en ECHO en el suroeste de Florida durante la primavera de 2011, se realizó con el fin de evaluar el potencial de los tés de...
  4. Abstract, Journal of Science and Technology, 2011 Study on the effect of compost extract also called Compost Tea (CT) was conducted at laboratory scale. The compost was prepared from Sieved-Agrowaste under two different conditions i.e. aerated (aerobic) and none aerated (anaerobic). The extract...
  5. Abstract, Compost Science and Utilization, 2002 An increasing body of experimental evidence indicates that plant disease can be suppressed by treating plant surfaces with a variety of water-based compost preparations, referred to in the literature as watery fermented compost extracts or compost...
  6. Short summaries dealing with myths pertaining to horticultural practices : Fertilizers How Plants Work Maintaining Trees and Shrubs Mulches Pesticides (including Compost Tea) Planting Techniques Scientific Literacy Soil Amendments
  7. 12/7/2019 Learn everything you need to know about feeding your garden, orchard and smallholding with homemade and chemical free 'teas'. Packed with recipes for creating nutrient-rich, healthy soil, to give you healthy plants and ecosystems, Eric Fisher offers an in depth history of organic agriculture and...
  8. Abstract, SARE. 2011 Water-based extracts of compost (compost “tea”) have long been recognized as potentially valuable in promoting plant growth. Recent innovations in production and application have popularized tea use among food producers, landscape managers and others interested in promoting...
  9. Horticulture is the cultivation of plants as ornamentals or for the production of food. When things go wrong (plants grow poorly or not at all), horticulturists sometimes turn to products that can “cure”, revitalize, invigorate, stimulate or enhance the growth of their plant or crop. A...
  10. Abstract,International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 2017 Purpose Using different organic beds to produce vermicompost may influence on quality of vermicompost and its derived productions. Methods A greenhouse experiment was conducted to compare the properties of...
  11. Abstract, Journal of Food Protection, 2007 Compost tea (CT) is an unheated on-farm infusion of compost used as a spray or soil drench to promote plant growth and control foliar and root diseases. Because food safety involves all aspects from farm to fork, CT should meet basic microbiological...
  12. Abstract,Advances in Bioresearch, 2015 January By mixing compost with water and culturing for a limited period, we can produce compost tea, either aerated compost tea or not. Non-aerated compost tea. Compost teas are used for their beneficial effect on plants. High quality compost refers to...
  13. 1/1/1983 The objectives of the experiment were to determine how the nutrients in poultry manure can be best be solubilized, and the effect of the fertilizer solution on tomato growth in various media. 98 pages, illustrated, photos