La berza es un cultivo de crucíferas (familia de las coles) que se cultiva por las hojas. Las hojas anchas, lisas y de color verde azulado de la berza tienen un sabor similar al de las espinacas y de las hortalizas de hoja verde oscuro son las más ricas en nutrientes.


This variety is an improved Vates selection that has dark green large leaves that retain their eating quality up to 2 weeks longer than other Vates types.

Georgia Southern

A popular, southern USA heirloom variety that withstands both heat and cold. This variety is slow to bolt and does not form heads.

Morris Heading

An open-pollinated heirloom variety that forms loose heads of broad blue-green leaves. It is slow to bolt and is tolerant of both heat and cold.


A shorter variety than other collards, Vates is very productive, slow to bolt, and has good heat and frost tolerance.