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  1. BORDA Las Américas works in four countries: Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti with its regional office located in Mexico City. As in many regions of the world, sanitation services such as wastewater treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean present great deficiencies.This deficit means that only...
  2. Poverty alleviation along with natural resources and climate protection in India, Nepal and Bangladesh: sustainability by improving sanitation and promoting decentralised waste and wastewater treatment. The South Asian countries of operation, mainly India, but also Nepal and Bangladesh, are...
  3. Sustainable resource management in Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and the Philippines Despite the continued economic growth of about 500 million people, Southeast Asia still has 16-33% of the population living in extreme poverty (annual per capita income less than 1,000 Euros)....
  4. Decentralised wastewater treatment systems – DEWATS In contrast to Europe and North America where 95% of urban areas have conventional and centralised wastewater treatment systems, there are many countries where wastewater treatment systems are inadequate or do not even exist. Building a...
  5. OUR MISSION The mission of Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is to promote dignity, health, and sustainable livelihoods through the transformation of wastes into resources. We achieve this through developing social business models around ecological sanitation (EcoSan), a process...
  6. Founded in the Netherlands in 1965, we have built a long-term, local presence in countriesin Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses andorganisationswith the tools, knowledge and connectionsthey...