1. 1984-01-01 A Pocket Directory of Trees and Seeds in Kenya was compiled to answer two basic tree-planting questions: which trees are the best to plant in my particular climate type? And where do I get the seeds or their seedlings? Ninety tree species are described, along with their best climate types. For...
  2. 关键资源 1999-02-01 This handbook covers a whole range of issues relating to local seed supply systems, including participatory plant breeding, and both technical and practical information on seed production and variety maintenance. It suggests new approaches and methods to support on-farm seed production by...
  3. This handbook has been prepared in response to a need for a uniform set of instructions for tetrazolium testing of seeds. It is written with the assumption that the analyst is already familiar with the art and science of seed testing as exemplified in the Rules for Testing Seeds of the...
  4. 关键资源
    This book provides an understanding of the technical and managerial aspects of seed production and supply with particular reference to tropical conditions, which are inherently more challenging than thsoe of temperate environments. Available as a French download.
  5. This presentation was given during the Seed Saving Fundamentals workshop at the ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center. This presentation discusses the current state of seed saving, how to classify seeds, seed types, and seed production.
  6. Collection of information on seeds.
  7. 关键资源
    2010-06-01 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...
  8. 关键资源
    2011-01-01 Often farmers asked for seed, but we weren’t quite sure what to expect when we suggested—to the farmers’ union in Nampula, Mozambique—that they organize a fair in which the members could come together and exchange seed. They might only be interested in “improved” varieties. However, when we...
  9. 关键资源 2000-01-21 ECHO is frequently asked, by groups or individuals from North America, to suggest vegetable seeds to take with them on short trips overseas. Often the group is a “work team” that is being sent by a church. Someone with the group they are going to visit has asked them to bring vegetable seeds. Or...
  10. 关键资源 This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. 简介和背景 保存自己的种子是一种成本效益高的方法,以此可以获得作物种子供未来种植,并有助于维持地球上的植物生物多样性。 无论您是种植自己保存的种子,将它们送给朋友和邻居,还是通过您的组织分发,有效收获、清洁、准备、干燥和储存种子的能力对于帮助维持种子的萌发和存活力都很重要。本文将重点介绍将种子干燥到适当含水量的重要性,并将提供我们在”亚洲回音”影响中心种子库建造和使用的两种低成本种子干燥机的详情。