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  1. Launched in 1992, TheWorld Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies(WOCAT) is a global Network sharing the same aim to document, share, and apply sustainable land management (SLM) knowledge. Pioneer in transformative action for SLM, the Network establishes an innovative space for...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #30 [编者注:Peter是一个在泰国清迈自由顾问,他是德国莱比锡的农业硕士。Peter是“山地项目(Upland program)”的前研究员,这是一个霍恩海姆大学(德国) 和清迈大学(泰国)的合作项目。他的联系方式是:peter.elstner@gmx.net 我们一直在寻找一个关于东南亚土壤的参考指南。过去不得不依靠很多东南亚国家 提供的土壤样本碎片, 这些指南数据多数比较陈旧,当然也没有互动。在这篇 文章中,Peter Elstner 研究了数字土壤地图,得出东南 亚7个主要土壤种类的结 论。...
  3. Funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, Soils4Africa will put in place by 2024 an Open-data Soil Information System (SIS). The SIS will enable farmers, agri-businesses, scientists, and policymakers in their efforts towards sustainable intensification of agriculture and...
  4. TheInternational Union of Soil Science (IUSS)- at its Seventh Congress, at Madison, Wisconsin, USA, in 1960 - recommended that soil maps of continents and large regions be published. As a follow-upFAO and Unesco decided in 1961 to prepare a Soil Map of the World at 1:5 000 000 scale. The project...
  5. The World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue, or WOSSAC, is one of the key facilities of the Centre for Environmental & Agricultural Informatics, CEAI Institute, incorporating the former National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI), at Cranfield University, UK. We are the largest UK national and...
  6. ISRIC – World Soil Information has a mission to serve the international community as custodian of global soil information. We are striving to increase awareness and understanding of soils in major global issues.
  7. 2013-01-01 The atlas compiles existing information on different soil types in easily understandable maps that cover the entire African continent. While it is intended primarily for the educational sectors and policy makers, the atlas aims to bridge the gap between soil science and society at large.

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