1. 01-05-2016 What does the Gospel have to do with Creation Care? From Augustine to Martin Luther, theologians and preachers recognized that God speaks to his people through "two books," namely the Bible and his created world, In this volume an international group of theologians, scientist and creation care...
  2. The present report opens with a brief history of ecological degradation in Haiti-a necessary exercise for two reasons: (1) understanding how ecological degradation has proceeded how ecological degradation has proceeded historically in Haiti is required for mitigating future degradation; and (2)...
  3. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-01-1999 Women are critical to the well-being of farm households. Aside from raising children, women are expected to prepare all meals, maintain the homestead, and assist in crop and animal production, all the while tending to the general health of their families. Perhaps, ironically, it is because women...
  4. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-07-2008 From water quality to social inequality, from raising crops to rising temperatures, how we use natural resources affects our health and well-being. This highly-illustrated guide will help health promoters, educators, community leaders and ordinary people take charge of their communities'...
  5. Tài Nguyên Chính 01-01-1988 2 Copies of 1988 Version This manual is designed to assist those who plan and implement small-scale agricultural projects. By promoting awareness of environmental concerns, the manual can increase the development worker's ability to design projects that are both environmentally sound and...
  6. We preserve the environment by partnering with families to improve well-being through sustainable farming.
  7. Creation care is a unique way to better understand God and participate in his redemptive work in the world. Furthermore, while care of the environment may seem a secondary priority, those we seek to serve are particularly vulnerable to its degradation. Presenter:Since 1995, Scott Sabin has served...
  8. ORE is working to improve environmental, agricultural and economic conditions in rural Haiti. In the wake of the national disaster, the catastrophichurricane, ORE is focused on efforts to bring relief to the population and offer all available assistance to reduce suffering. Our development...