1. Access Agriculture Training Videos Dried mango crisps are a tasty and a healthy snack that can be sold even out of season at a good price. Available languages Bambara English French Kiswahili Peulh / Fulfuldé / Pulaar Twi Wolof
  2. Access Agriculture Training Videos Baobab fruit juice made from the pulp is very healthy, and can be added to porridge and sauces. However, the quality of the pulp can be greatly affected if fruits are not handled well during and after harvest. When baobab pods are damaged and have splits in the...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Women in Benin show us that there are three important things: select good groundnut varieties, follow good harvest and postharvest practices, and use good processing methods. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bemba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Green gram or mung bean seed and grains need special care during harvesting and storage. Coat the seed with vegetable oil and store them in an earthen pot. Add neem leaves and dry red chillies. Cover the pot with a cotton cloth and a wire mesh to keep out...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video As soon as you pick your tomatoes their quality can only ever decrease. The best you can do is to slow down the reduction of quality, by following some practices which reduce damage and harm. The key to getting good quality tomatoes to sell starts with the...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers use sawdust to store potatoes because they do not have electricity. They can get sawdust cheaply and use it to preserve their potatoes until they can sell them at a good price Available languages Ateso Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja English French Kikuyu...
  7. Access Agriculture Video Seque seu milho antes de descascá-lo. Selecione o milho em uma lona e separe-o. Seque seu milho sob o sol quente em uma lona, virando-o regularmente. Antes de armazenar os grãos, meça o nível de umidade, verificando o som produzido pelo grão. Deixe o grão esfriar antes de...
  8. Access Agriculture Video Armazenar e gerenciar o estoque em um armazém envolve três etapas importantes. Devemos primeiro preparar o armazém, depois armazenar os produtos em paletes e, por fim, acompanhar e gerenciar o estoque no armazém. Idiomas disponíveis Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dendi...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video As our health and the health of our animals are at stake, let us learn from experienced farmers in Tanzania how to properly dry and store our maize. Available languages: Arabic Bambara Chichewa / Nyanja Dholuo Dioula English French Hausa Kikuyu Kinyarwanda /...
  10. Access Agriculture Video Your maize is mature when the leaves and the husks start to dry and turn yellow. Start harvesting improved varieties first and end with local varieties which are more resistant to pest attacks. Dehusk your maize in the field to avoid bringing pests to your home. Properly...