1. 01/01/1983 Instruçőes completas por construir cada bomba săo incluídas dentro + manual, com desenhos detalhados guiar construçăo. Operando e direçőes de manutençăo também săo determinadas. Eficięncia comparaçőes permitem o usuário a escolher o melhor desígnio para um situaçăo particular. Leitores que podem...
  2. 01/01/1991 The purpose of this manual is to describe both the basic and practical aspects of kiln drying lumber. The manual is inteded for several types of audience. First, and foremost, it is a practical guide for the kiln operator--a reference manual to turn to when questions arise. It is also intended...
  3. 01/01/1987 Terra é um material de edifício universal e é um do mais velho conhecido para humanidade. Terras simples (sem aditivo), ou terras melhoraram estabilizando somando materiais como bitumen ou cimenta, é satisfatório para casas, escolas, estradas, e outra construçăo. Para propósitos de construçăo,...
  4. 01/01/1989 poder Abastecedor para muitos locais remotos no mundo de central geradores que usam métodos de distribuiçăo habituais săo economicamente qualquer um unfeasible ou será muitos anos vindo. Power onde desejável, vá entăo precise ser gerada locally. maquinaria comercial Vários é comercializada, mas o...
  5. Neem is a very important tree species widely planted in the Sahel region of West Africa, where it is used for firewood windbreaks, greenbelts, and as amenity plantings in cities, towns, and villages.
  6. 01/11/1985 This manual was compiled during a seven-month stay as veterinary consultants for Heifer Project International in Northern Thailand. It was intended to serve as an adjunct to a parveterinary training program we were conductingunder their sponsorship. Used as a reference guide, the manual was to be...
  7. This book provides useful clues on plant characteristics, bioactive materials and their properties, methods of preparation and extraction, methods of application, cautions in use, and other complementary uses.
  8. The aim of this manual is to describe briefly the most commonly diagnosed poultry diseases. It is not intended as an up-to-date review of literature, as this can be found in other books. It is written in a way that can be understood by persons without formal veterinary training, inclluding the...
  9. 01/10/1993 Illustrated book on common fruit pests and how to rid your crop of them.
  10. The purpose of this manual is to help the trainer achieve self-confidence in conducting a rabbit training course and to help develop a viable rabbit program. This field manual for trainers contains basic information on sustainable rabbit farming. The role of the rabbit as a food source, as well...