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  1. 2022-11-16 Session :Topics addressed in this session include: Cody Cove Farm and Nursery A Tragic Paradox Embracing Diversity, Reseilient Agricultural Communities Reasons for Seeking Out New Crop Species and Varieties Examples of the Power of New Crops Tools for New Crops Presenter :Josh Jamison is a...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Guatemala explain how to grow beans in hot, lowland areas by first selecting a bean variety that is adapted to the heat. They plant the beans in the winter, and sometimes have to provide irrigation. The beans can be planted alone or between the rows of...
  3. Key Resource 2007-01-01 By Dr. F. W. Martin. Published in parts, 1989 and 1994; Revised 1998 and 2007 by ECHO Staff Though nearly all plants are useful in some way, they are not equally valuable. For example, wheat, rice and corn may be considered the most valuable plants in the world based on the vast acreage planted...
  4. 1995-01-01 Reviewed by Kristin Davis In the first half of this manual, the authors cover a history of sustainable agriculture methods, organic food production, methods of composting, bio-intensive gardening and no-till gardening. There is also a brief section on methods of natural insect control. Somewhat...
  5. Welcome to!This website was established to provide information on sustainable production and marketing practices for crops popular among the large and growing immigrant populations in the United States. Our emphasis is on crops that can be grown in the Northeastern U.S. since much...