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  1. 1995-03-19 Learning how to do experimental trials Intensive small-scale farming Understanding plant diseases Fertilizer bean-Honduras Rats, mice and other vermin Rural journalism Information sharing - Germany Flexible experiments Learning with urban farmers - Bolivia Less fertilzer Hybrid layers -...
  2. 2003-01-01 Although this document will tell you how to build a particular incubator that I have used for several years, the ideas presented here should assist in building an incubator of any capacity. The orientation here is toward solving the problems in building a kerosene fired incubator in general....
  3. 2018-01-03 « Tous les africains sont éleveurs de poules » affirmait un ancien. En effet presque dans toutes les familles africaines, vous trouvez au moins une poule surtout dans nos campagnes. La poule a toujours été un fidèle compagnon de l’homme en Afrique de l’Ouest. C’est sa viande qu’on partage presqu’...
  4. The results of the studies reported in this publication are that the promising performance of TPR is highly recommended to upgrade and improve the native chicken and on-farm performance evaluation TPR X Native Crosses should be conducted to further evaluate the breed potential of the TPR Chicken....
  5. It is my hope that you will be encouraged and empowered by the information presented here; that you will raise your own wholesome chickens for meat, process them yourself, and discover the satisfaction that comes with achieving greater food self sufficiency.
  6. 2018-01-03 Techniques de production avicole traditionnelle epublication:Options de restauration des sols improductifsetOptions où l'eau est rare