1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 ធសចកីតធផតើម ពាកយចាសដពាលថា “អនកមិនអាចដោោះសរាយបញហា បនដទទបសិនដបើអនកមិនដឹងថាអនកមានបញហា ដ ោះ” ភសុតតាងវិទាាសរសតមូលោា នននការដធើវដោគវិនិចឆយដលើកងវោះាធាតុចិញច ឹមដលើរុកខជាតិ។ អសរយៈដពលជាដទចើនឆន ាំមកដ ើយ កសិករ និងអនកវិទាាសរសតបនដធើវការជាមួយគនន ដដើមបីកាំណតពីភសុតតាងននចកុខវ...
  2. The NPDN was established in 2002 in response to the need to enhance agricultural security through protecting health and productivity of plants in agricultural and natural ecosystems in the U.S. With support from the USDA-NIFA and through the collective efforts of many individuals representing...
  3. 15 មិថុនា 1993 Amazon.com Description This book discusses the role of essential nutrients in relation to nearly two dozen crops. Use the book's 307 color photographs to diagnose disorders in the field. The accompanying text explains symptoms in detail, with information provided by 31 crop experts. Covers the...