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  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 32. Kata kunci: Solanum tuberosum, kentang, peremajaan, stek perbanyakan, kondisi tidak steril Gagasan Utama: • Kentang dapat menghasilkan banyak protein dan berbagai nutrisi lain yang dibutuhkan. • Kentang sulit tumbuh di kawasan tropis karena iklimnya yang...
  2. 20 Oktober 2014
  3. Sumber Daya Utama 16 Februari 2015 Tropical root and tuber crops are consumed as staples in parts of the tropics and should be considered for their potential to produce impressive yields in small spaces. They provide valuable options for producing food under challenging growing conditions. Cassava and taro, for instance, are...
  4. 19 Desember 1981 The Pan American Seed Company is also introducing a true potato seed this spring (as opposed to seed potatoes which are really tubers that are cut into pieces and planted). Wally Turnbull at the Baptist Mission in Haiti has already tried a related variety and is very excited about its potential,...
  5. 28 Oktober 2014 Potato production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has more than doubled since 1994, with 70% growth in eastern Africa (FAO and CFC 2010). Despite these gains, on-farm potato yields in the region still short compared to their potential. Mostly due to a combination of inadequate supplies of...
  6. 20 Maret 2000 Potatoes do produce seeds, so to help distinguish these from "seed potatoes" the seeds are called "true potato seeds" (TPS). It takes only 160 grams of TPS to seed one hectare (2.3 ounces/acre) and half that amount if seeds are used for transplants. That compares with over 2,000 pounds/acre of...
  7. Descriptions of various afflictions to potato crops and advice in dealing with them. Includes charts, tables, diagrams, and black-and-white and full color photographs.
  8. The research reported in this working paper is part of a larger project that aims to assess the scope for and enhance the possibilities of the sustainable intensification of potato production in cereal-based cropping systems in the subtropical lowlands of Asia. Working paper, no. 1999-1
  9. Covers the the most common processing techniques for the major root crops including potato, cassava, sweet potato, yam and other edible aroid crops. Includes sections on basic food science principles, small-scale processing methods and case studies.
  10. 01 Januari 1988 Includes 130 papers covering all cropping problems from agronomy to storage and utilization of products of cassava, sweet potato, potato, yam, aroids and minor tuberous crops. They will show the increasing importance of these crops for producers and consumers and the move from subsistence to cash...