1. 01/01/1993 See also :Gardening on Rooftops & Other Above-Ground Locations, by Martin Price (2018) 9 pp : ill. Part ofThe ECHO Garden Hint Series--a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola...
  2. Ressource principale
    23/07/2019 J'ai fait la connaissance des jardins centuples lorsque je faisais des recherches sur des moyens d'irriguer les plantes directement dans la zone racinaire. Je voulais savoir comment maîtriser de manière pratique et abordable certaines des variables qui influencent la croissance des plantes,...
  3. Ressource principale
    01/01/1996 Que peut faire une famille vivant dans un pays où le taux de chômage dépasse les 50 %, le salaire de base n’est que de un ou deux dollars par jour, le prix des aliments augmente sans cesse et est parfois plus élevé que dans les pays développés? Que peut-elle faire si en plus, elle ne dispose pas...
  4. Abstract, Horticulturae, 2016 A wicking bed (WB) is a plant driven system where plants receive water through capillary rise from a self-contained coarse material-filled subsoil reservoir. WBs have been widely promoted as a water-efficient irrigation solution for small-scale and urban food...
  5. 24/07/2019 Lance Edwards, membre du réseau, travaille au Zimbabwe. Il a expliqué comment il utilisait et faisait la promotion de lits de plantation économiques et pouvant conserver l'eau, qu’il appelle jardins centuples. Il s’agit d’un type de «lit à effet de mèche»; Ils sont doublés avec du plastique, ce...
  6. 20/04/2012 In the past, we have written about different types of micro irrigation in EDN ; for example, we wrote about using clay pots for irrigation inEDN 97. This is a very good option, but unless pots are made locally, it can be expensive. Graham Knight of BioDesign in the UK has gathered information...
  7. Soda Bottle Wick Irrigation |improves upon traditional drip irrigation in several ways. 1) Most of Lima’s soils are sandy and don’t hold water for extended periods. As a result, intermittent watering results in significant water loss; the water drains quickly through the soil before plants can...
  8. The Centre for Water Resources Development Management (CWRDM) here has developed wick irrigation technique, a hydroponic system, to facilitate farming of potted vegetables and ornamental plants in the homesteads and on the terrace. Dr Kamalam Joseph, a senior scientist at CWRDM who led the team...
  9. This document was provided by Lance Edwards as an outline of the process of building a 100 Fold Vegetable Garden using Foundation for Farming principles. He includes a description of wicking bed technology by Colin Austin The irrigator’s dilemma If the irrigator applies frequent but shallow...
  10. Wicking beds are a unique and increasingly popular way to grow vegetables. They are self-contained raised beds with built-in reservoirs that supply water from the bottom up – changing how, and how much, you water your beds. In this article, we’ll talk about how wicking beds work and why we love...