1. 19/01/1983 Cities of the World catches the changing mood of geography in the 1980s in an exciting way. The authors use a wide-angle lens to sweep across the emerging world urban patterns, surveying from continent to continent. It is a study in comparative world urban development. The great interest today in...
  2. Through a set of case studies, this study attempts to examine the interplay of many factors--domestic policies as well as exogenous events such as changes in the price of oil and severe fluctuations in rainfall. the remained of this chapter looks at population growth, environmental stress, and...
  3. Ressource principale 01/01/1990 Income generation schemes in urban areas of the Third World are many and varied. However, too often such schemes fail to achieve sustainable economic viability and depend on continued funding by development agencies. This book examines the reasons for failures or successes and stresses that those...
  4. 20/01/2008 Poverty, IIED, Karachi, Orangi Pilot Project, Urban Resource Centre, Pakistan, Karachi Mass Transit Project, grassroots organizations This is a condensed version of a paper prepared for an IIED initiative on “Learning from Local Organisations for Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management”....
  5. This report deals with the environmental aspects of the study of health, environment and socioeconomic aspects of irrigation with untreated wastewater. The objectives of the study were to identify the environmental impacts of wastewater use in a small town in Pakistan, and to estimate water and...
  6. Ressource principale
    01/01/1996 Que peut faire une famille vivant dans un pays où le taux de chômage dépasse les 50 %, le salaire de base n’est que de un ou deux dollars par jour, le prix des aliments augmente sans cesse et est parfois plus élevé que dans les pays développés? Que peut-elle faire si en plus, elle ne dispose pas...