1. Two long-term experiments (11 years) showed the intriguing ability ofG. senegalensis and P. reticulatum(optimized at ~1000 to 1500 shrubs ha-1 with residue returnedto soil) to dramatically increase yields of groundnut and millet, with or without fertilizer additions and maintain yields in drought...
  2. 29/01/2019 Plus de 4 millions de personnes dans le Sahel ouest-africain font face à des difficultés suite à des périodes de sécheresse et à la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires. En juin, la FAO a envoyé près de 10 millions de dollars d'aide aux agriculteurs de la région frappés par la sécheresse, qui...
  3. ‘Bio-irrigation’ - How it works The shrubs have deep tap roots that suck up water from the wet deep sub-soil and deposit this small amount of water in the dry upper soil layers at night when photosynthesis stops. Surrounding crops take advantage of some of this water that is drawn up. This is...