1. 01/01/1998 Get gardening with the first comprehensive gardening encyclopedia for the South! From the reliable magazine Southern Living comes this all-inclusive guide offering more than 5,000 plant listings known to thrive in the southern United States. The authoritative reference also features: Thousands of...
  2. Nitrogen pollution of lakes, rivers, and oceans by human urine is a growing problem.Liquid Goldshows how urine can safely be used to grow food, fuel, fiber, and beautiful landscapes while protecting the environment and providing free and safe fertilizer. Featuring a short history of urine use—...
  3. Ressource principale ECHO Partner Notre site Web héberge des vidéos de formation en faveur de l’agriculture durable dans les pays en développement. Si cela vous intéresse, nous espérons que vous trouverez des vidéos utiles pour vous et vos partenaires. Nous avons 14 catégories de vidéo d’Access Agriculture dans...
  4. 14/11/2018 Grow a small poly-culture garden that addresses both nutritional and ecological shortcomings of our food systems. Focusing on some of the most nutritious of the more than 1000 species of plants with edible leaves can maximize the value of the garden to improve your family’s health. Supporting a...