29/09/2017 En tant qu'organisation qui fournit aux populations des ressources d'information pour réduire la faim, ECHO valorise le rôle de la science dans la validation des pratiques agricoles. Au fil des ans, nous avons reçu de nombreuses demandes de la part de professeurs d'université et d'étudiants...
20/04/2007 In observation trials, each variety is grown in only one plot of ground. Observations from such trials are not as conclusive as with replication. As long as site conditions are fairly uniform, however, they give the experimenter a pretty good idea of likely “losers” and “winners.”
20/10/2003 For many of us the idea of “research” is scary. We are not trained in it. We picture rigorous statistical analyses that we do not have any idea about. We have seen glossy scientific journals with technical words that we could not understand. Besides, isn’t our goal to directly help small farmers?...
20/07/2008 ECHO encourages our network members to be experimenters.In fact, many of the things mentioned in EDN are things that have worked in one location and might work for the farmers where you live.