1. 01/01/1988 Le Product. faire le ciment du Portland, un mélange écrasé de calcaire,et l'argile est chauffée pour former " brique hollandaise avec " qui est mélangéele gypse et a fondé à une amende, poudre déshydratée. Lecontrôlé de qualitéest essentiel pendant fabrication. dans que Le ciment est transporté...
  2. 01/01/1965 Le béton est une forte et bon marché matière de la construction quand c'est correctement préparé et a utilisé. Cette introduction explique l'importance d'un bon mélange et décrit les matières utilisées dans le mélange. Suivre ceci est des entrées sur: montants Calculateurs de matières pour béton...
  3. 01/01/1970 This study was undertaken primarily to determine whether the manufacture of lightweight concrete bricks, on a small scale and using rice husks as an aggregate, is economic. Technical details of the process are not included in this report which is restricted primarily to the costing of a...
  4. 01/01/1955 144 pages, illustrated, photos
  5. 01/02/1973 Ferrocement, a thin-shell concrete reinforced with wire mesh, is a highquality construction material whose ingredients are widely available in developing countries. It can be used to build a wide range of structures, and can be worked mainly by unskilled, though supervised, labor. Throughout the...
  6. Abstract, Scientific Research, 2019 Many timber producing countries generate more than 2 million m3of sawdust annually. In developing countries, sawdust is often disposed of by open dumping, open burning, or dumping in landfills. This poses huge environmental challenges related to air pollution,...