1. 19/03/1993 L. E. Andrews in Houston, Texas. “It sounds like Mr. Mears in Ecuador has a lot of problems with ticks! Marsha Hanzi, Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia, Brazil.“Regarding ticks on cattle, this is also a serious problem in the Brazilian altiplano, where it has been successfully kept within limits...
  2. 05/10/2017 This workshop will look at indigenous microbial fermented feeds as an alternative to our expensive foreign/imported GMO corn-soy based feed ration for our native animals (chicken and swine). Experiments on microbial fermentation on indigenous plants was conducted in terms of palatability,...
  3. 03/10/2017 In this workshop, Scott talked about his small backyard urban garden and his experiments with integrating egg-laying chickens into the system on multiple levels. Faced with the economic reality of it being cheaper to buy eggs than produce them himself using store-bought feeds, he began to look...
  4. 01/11/2017 While availability of food calories has paralleled human population growth in Rwanda, the supply of highly nutritious foods -such as complete protein, fats, and micronutrients -remain insufficient in the Rwandan diet. Past research has shown the barriers to Rwandans raising chickens to be a lack...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous allons au Fayoum où des femmes collaborent pour élever leurs poussins en étant attentifs à leur habitat, l’alimentation et au calendrier de vaccinations. Langues disponibles Anglais Arabe Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Espagnol Français Hindi...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Fournissez un lit de copeaux de bois ou de l’herbe sèche pour que les poules puissent pondre confortablement. Cela permet de réduire l’humidité et diminue les chances d’infestation par des parasites. Mais ces petits insectes parasites ne sont pas le seul problème....
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous allons visiter les poussinières appartenant à des femmes au Fayoum et apprendre les étapes pour avoir un élevage rentable de poussins chez soi. Langues disponibles Anglais Arabe Bangla Espagnol Français Kiswahili Luganda
  8. 03/01/2018 Réussir son élevage, Cas de la poule locale Techniques de production avicole traditionnelle epublication:Options de restauration des sols improductifsetOptions où l'eau est rare
  9. 06/02/2018 Speaker Bio: Sunil Johns Klavara is a graduate of Philosophy and has 26 years of experience working with Community Development projects and NGOs. He is the grandson of a village farmer, whose father continued farming even after becoming a Government Education Superintendent. Sunil facilitated the...
  10. Abstract, Biofuel Research Journal, 2016 One of the greatest challenges facing the societies now and in the future is the reduction of green house gas emissions and thus preventing the climate change. It is therefore important to replace fossil fuels with renewable sources, such as biogas. Biogas...