1. 01/01/1989 Ce papier examine la nature complexe de problčmes du casse-pieds et évalue chimique et contrôle du nonchemical. Les objectifs d'IPM est réparti, avec ses réalisations courantes et son futur comme une stratégie du casse-pieds - contrôle. Bien que le papier accentue agriculture, les concepts et...
  2. 06/01/1990 This publication concentrates on the management aspects of chemigation and chemigation influences other aspects of irrigation management. 12 pages, illustrations
  3. 01/01/1989 This is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. 1700 pages, diagrams
  4. In this clincally oriented synthesis Doctor Randolph has produced an entirely different set of answers to the above questions than is currently supplied by toxicologists. This is not a review but rather the presentation of a point of view-providing a sound basis for therapy of a common medical...