1. 01/01/1987 In recent years a new addition to food production has appeared in many parts of the world. Attention is turning towards fish farming, 'aquaculture' as a food source.
  2. 09/01/2007 A guide to what is known of the uses, cultivation and worldwide availability of edible and other commercially important aquatic plants other than seaweeds, which already have an extensive literature of their own. It is suitable for backyard growers; botanists; as well as students of horticulture,...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Vous pouvez faire une cage en bambou pour contenir les crabes. Les crabes mous doivent être séparés pour éviter qu’ils se battent et s’endommagent mutuellement. Donnez à chaque crabe la moitié d'un petit poisson par jour. Si le crabe n'a pas mangé sa nourriture,...
  4. Written with exceptional clarity by a scientist and pioneer in the field, it thoroughly researches and describes every conceivable aspect of aquaculture, from underlying scientific concepts to step-by-step instructions for each type, size, and phase of culture. Numberous species are discussed in...
  5. Ressource principale
    01/07/2010 La pisciculture peut générer un grand intérêt et un grand enthousiasme. Elle a un grand potentiel pour produire des protéines de haute qualité dans des délais relativement courts et dans de petites zones. La pisciculture est un moyen pour les agriculteurs pauvres en ressources à travers le monde...
  6. This booklet was prepared as an aid for people working in areas where there are limited resources for information and assistance. CVM's main purpose is to provide some common basic practices for fish farmers to use, in order to establish a good, sound and economically viable aquaculture. 2 Copies...
  7. This book is packed with information. Several features of the book make the information more useable for the student and the instructor. These features include the chapter objectives, key terms, tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, pictures, teaching aids, exercises, a glossary and an appendix....
  8. 01/01/1987 199 pages, plus appendices, tables
  9. Notebook of resources, illustrated 2 copies
  10. 01/01/1992 Spanish Language