1. 2016-08-12 The Biosand Filter Construction Manual describes what a biosand filter is and how it works. It also describes the steps to construct, install and monitor Version 10 biosand filters. Available Online
  2. 2010-04-01 https://www.echocommunity.org/resources/eb967d93-10ff-4c3d-a238-86ac0382bd68ECHO has considered how our resources can be most helpful in light of the recent devastating earthquake near Port Au Prince, Haiti. Our main strength is in the area of agricultural information relevant to development...
  3. 2017-02-08
  4. 2017-01-20 Cette publication est le chapitre 3 de livre Options agricoles pour les agriculteurs de petite echelle est un livre rempli d'options pratiques pour ceux qui travaillent pour aider les petits agriculteurs et les jardiniers urbains dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, dont beaucoup ont du...
  5. 2017-01-20 Esta publicación es el Capítulo 3 de Opciones para los agricultores de pequeña escala es un libro lleno de opciones prácticas para aquellos que trabajan para ayudar a los agricultores a pequeña escala y jardineros urbanos en los trópicos y subtrópicos, muchos que luchan para producir suficiente...
  6. 2014-10-28 Access to clean drinking water remains one of the greatest challenges in the world. The BioSand Filter is one method that can be used for purifying water at the household level. With this filter, contaminated water is filtered through a natural biological layer and then layers of sand, pebbles...
  7. Yεwunkwiyi dowu élɔ ͻ ɖo lĕè e ná zĕ akán kpódó nyεkεn kpó dó xwi sìn ná gbɔn zĕ xlɛ wɛ. Nùɖé wɛ bo bɔkùn titewungbè bo ka nan de nùkwíjì gègé sín sìn lεe min. Nùkwíjì énε ɖĕe hin ͻn e nan dɔn lanmε gble nu mε è.
  8. 2017-05-23 This instruction manual is for the "blue barrel" water filtration system producing up to 300 liters of water per day.
  9. 2017-05-23 This instruction manual is for the concrete tank water filtration system producing up to 2,000liters of water per day.