1. 20/9/2015 Water is the engine of change Protecting the paramo Farming for healthy urban tap water Water harvesting: nourishing the land, body and mind A technology to drastically save irrigation water Struggle and success in an inter-regional water conflict in the Peruvian Andes A watershed evolving From...
  2. 20/9/2016 The true cost of food Seeing is believing - urban agroecological transition How peasants read their farm Short chains bring long-term gains Ideas and initiatives from the field Agroecology contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals New books on assessing impact of agroecology How to...
  3. By Abdoulaye Seck The Microgardening technology is mainly based on 1 or 0.5 m2 wood tables and therefore, can be installed everywhere. Land is an issue in peri-urban/urban and even in some rural areas. The technology can be installed everywhere in household compounds (even in terraces and...
  4. Hoy en día, muchas personas se encuentran en situaciones en las que necesitan producir alimentos en lo que se considera condiciones agrícolas poco ortodoxas. Ya sea debido a las restricciones de espacio limitado, como es el caso de quienes viven en ciudades, o los desafíos del trabajo con huertos...
  5. This video is a description of the Urban Garden landscape at the ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers, FL. Dr. Motis describes in detail the methods used and decisions made in its design. This video is split into multiple parts: Part 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ax9uqV_mbY Part 3:...
  6. 1/1/2008 Low cost, low technology, lightweight methods to produce food on rooftops and other locations above the ground.
  7. 1/1/2008 Low cost, low technology, lightweight methods to produce food on rooftops and other locations above the ground. Introduction As this is being written, food riots in Port-au-Prince, Haiti are making the news. Food riots and demonstrations are starting to occur in other cities in other impoverished...
  8. Agricultura Sostenible para Productores a pequeña escala en Nicaragua La misión de BioNica es proporcionar entrenamiento en Nicaragua acerca de cómo recuperar el suelo desgastado. “Cultivar el suelo” para que el suelo pueda dar cosechas balanceadas con alto valor nutricional. Los participantes...
  9. The 20th century witnessed a massive growth in urban populations. In 1990, one-third of the world's people lived in cities of one million or more. As a result, hunger and malnutrition are on the increase worldwide, as the global food system fails to satisfy the growing demand of the urban...
  10. 1/1/2004 This document is a report of the technical consultation on strategy for assessment and control of urban malaria in Africa, held in Pretoria South Africa from 2nd to 5th December 2004.