1. This manual is designed for development assistance workers and others who are planning or managing small-scale livestock projects. Although aimed specifically at those working in less-developed areas of the tropics and subtropics, these environmental guidelines apply to almost any region of the...
  2. This technical memorandum, which has been prepared jointly by the ILO and UNIDO, is part of a series of publications on manufacturing technologies. The object of the series is to acquaint small-scale producers with alternative production techniques for specific products and processes, so as to...
  3. 1/1/2007 Agaricus and Volvariella Mushrooms contain a lot of proteins and minerals, several B vitamins and are regarded as a healthy food or food supplement. Moreover, due to certain chemical compounds valued for their medicinal properties, mushrooms gain more and more interest from the health food...
  4. 1/1/2005 Oyster, Shiitake and Wood Ear Mushrooms This Agrodok contains detailed information on how to grow three kinds of mushrooms: oyster, shiitake and wood ear mushrooms. These mushrooms are rather easy to grow on a small scale. Cultivation of the common white button mushroom and of the rice straw...
  5. 1/1/2004 With Variety Improvement of Cereals and Pulses Seed production and the maintenance of crop cultivars by small farmers is a subject that has attracted increasing attention over the past decade. The increasing dominance of large multinationals in the seed trade, the controversy over genetic...
  6. 1/1/1989 Production, Processing and Marketing Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. It is an important source of vitamins and an important cash crop for smallholders and medium-scale commercial farmers. This Agrodok focuses on good practices for growing a healthy tomato crop and...
  7. Globally, drying is the most widely used method for preserving foods for use in the home or for sale. When drying foods such as fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and nuts value is added by dryingand in such cases an investment in improved drying technologies may be economically viable. This...
  8. 1/1/1984 Las personas descubrieron la inclinación para usar la arcilla encima de 20,000 años ago. El los principios básicos de formar, secando, y la arcilla de encender está inmóvil el mismo hoy como ellos era entonces. Los únicos cambios significantes desde el descubrimiento de arcilla ha sido la...
  9. 1/1/1988 Este Perfil de la Industria es uno de una serie que describe las industrias pequeñas o medianas brevemente. El Los perfiles mantienen la información básica empezando las plantas industriales en las naciones en vías de desarrollo. Específicamente, ellos proporcionan las descripciones de la planta...
  10. 1/1/1990 Los Puentes son una parte del system del transporte de una región. Ellos se usa para medir por palmos un obstáculo como un arroyo o quiebra. La Puentes hechura el system más eficaz o ahorrando la distancia de viaje o por vehículos habilitando o peatones para alcanzar lugares que eran previamente...