1. 1/5/1950 The rocks of the several geological formations are described briefly, and a correlation between the geological formations of this state and those of nearby states is made. Analyses of several samples of rocks from many of the geological formations indicated that selenium is usally present in the...
  2. 1/3/1945 Technical Bulletin no. 5 31 pages, tables
  3. Abstract,Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Springer Verlag/EDP Sciences/INRA, 2017 Over the last three decades, urban agriculture has been improving food security in Cuba by providing fresh vegetables within and on the outskirts of cities and villages. However, organic fertilizers and...
  4. 20/4/2013 En ocasiones, las cosas más minúsculaspueden impactar en la salud humana deforma desproporcionada con su tamaño.Los elementos traza son un ejemplo deesto. Los elementos traza en una cantidadya sea por encima o por debajo de ciertosumbrales en el suelo, el forraje o la dietahumana pueden tener...